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Confusion about the lock statement in C#


This is from MSDN: The lock keyword ensures that one thread does not enter a critical section of code while another thread is in the critical section.

Does a critical section have to be same as the critical section?

Or does it mean: The lock keyword ensures that one thread does not enter any critical section guarded by an object of code while another thread is in any critical section guarded by the same object. ?

    class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)


    private static void TestDifferentCriticalSections()
        Test lo = new Test();

        Thread t1 = new Thread(() =>

        Thread t2 = new Thread(() =>

public class Test
    private object obj = new object();

    public Test()
    { }

    public void MethodA()
        lock (obj)
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)

    public void MethodB()
        lock (obj)
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
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Cui Pengfei 崔鹏飞 Avatar asked Mar 08 '12 16:03

Cui Pengfei 崔鹏飞

People also ask

Why should you avoid the lock keyword?

Avoid using the 'lock keyword' on string object String object: Avoid using lock statements on string objects, because the interned strings are essentially global in nature and may be blocked by other threads without your knowledge, which can cause a deadlock.

Why do we use lock statement in C?

The lock statement acquires the mutual-exclusion lock for a given object, executes a statement block, and then releases the lock. While a lock is held, the thread that holds the lock can again acquire and release the lock. Any other thread is blocked from acquiring the lock and waits until the lock is released.

When would you use a lock statement?

The Lock statement is used in threading, that limit the number of threads that can perform some activity or execute a portion of code at a time. Exclusive locking in threading ensures that one thread does not enter a critical section while another thread is in the critical section of the code.

Which method can lock the shared data to prevent its access by other tasks?

Locks guard access to data Locks are used to guard a shared data variable, like the account balance shown here. If all accesses to a data variable are guarded (surrounded by a synchronized block) by the same lock object, then those accesses will be guaranteed to be atomic — uninterrupted by other threads.

1 Answers

The question is confusingly worded and the answers so far are not particularly clear either. Let me rephrase the question into several questions:

(1) Does the lock statement ensure that no more than one thread is in the body of the lock statement at any one time?

No. For example:

static readonly object lock1 = new object();
static readonly object lock2 = new object();
static int counter = 0;
static object M()
    int c = Interlocked.Increment(ref counter);
    return c % 2 == 0 ? lock1 : lock2;

lock(M()) { Critical(); }

It is possible for two threads to both be in the body of the lock statement at the same time, because the lock statement locks on two different objects. Thread Alpha can call M() and get lock1, and then thread Beta can call M() and get lock2.

(2) Assuming that my lock statement always locks on the same object, does a lock statement ensure that no more than one "active" thread is in the body of the lock at any one time?

Yes. If you have:

static readonly object lock1 = new object();
lock(lock1) { Critical(); }

then thread Alpha can take the lock, and thread Beta will block until the lock is available before entering the lock body.

(3) Assuming that I have two lock statements, and both lock statements lock on the same object every time, does a lock statement ensure that no more than one "active" thread is in the body of either lock at any one time?

Yes. If you have:

static readonly object lock1 = new object();
static void X() 
    lock(lock1) { CriticalX(); }
static void Y() 
    lock(lock1) { CriticalY(); }

then if thread Alpha is in X and takes the lock, and thread Beta is in Y, then thread Beta will block until the lock is available before entering the lock body.

(4) Why are you putting "active" in "scare quotes"?

To call attention to the fact that it is possible for a waiting thread to be in the lock body. You can use the Monitor.Wait method to "pause" a thread that is in a lock body, and allow a blocked thread to become active and enter that lock body (or a different lock body that locks the same object). The waiting thread will stay in its "waiting" state until pulsed. At some time after it is pulsed, it rejoins the "ready" queue and blocks until there is no "active" thread in the lock. It then resumes at the point where it left off.

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Eric Lippert Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 02:10

Eric Lippert