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Confused about configure script and Makefile.in

I'm currently learning how to use the autoconf/automake toolchain. I seem to have a general understanding of the workflow here - basically you have a configure.ac script which generates an executable configure file. The generated configure script is then executed by the end user to generate Makefiles, so the program can be built/installed.

So the installation for a typical end-user is basically:

./configure make make install make clean 

Okay, now here's where I'm confused:

As a developer, I've noticed that the auto-generated configure script sometimes won't run, and will error with:

config.status: error: cannot find input file: `somedir/Makefile.in'  

This confuses me, because I thought the configure script is supposed to generate the Makefile.in. So Googling around for some answers, I've discovered that this can be fixed with an autogen.sh script, which basically "resets" the state of the autoconf environment. A typical autogen.sh script would be something like:

aclocal \ && automake --add-missing \ && autoconf 

Okay fine. But as an end-user who's downloaded countless tarballs throughout my life, I've never had to use an autogen.sh script. All I did was uncompress the tarball, and do the usual configure/make/make install/make clean routine.

But as a developer who's now using autoconf, it seems that configure doesn't actually run unless you run autogen.sh first. So I find this very confusing, because I thought the end-user shouldn't have to run autogen.sh.

So why do I have to run autogen.sh first - in order for the configure script to find Makefile.in? Why doesn't the configure script simply generate it?

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Siler Avatar asked Nov 09 '14 19:11


People also ask

What is the difference between Makefile am and Makefile in?

Makefile.am is a programmer-defined file and is used by automake to generate the Makefile.in file (the . am stands for automake). The configure script typically seen in source tarballs will use the Makefile.in to generate a Makefile .

How does configure script work?

A configure script is an executable script designed to aid in developing a program to be run on a wide number of different computers. It matches the libraries on the user's computer, with those required by the program before compiling it from its source code.

How do I set up a Makefile?

You need to run the command ./configure first. This will configure the makefile. However, it would really be helpful first to read the README file that is in whatever package you are trying to make. They will (or should) have examples on how to install the package.

What is configure script Linux?

The configure script is the most important of several key configuration files—it initiates the entire configuration process. It creates a subdirectory structure within the project directory and populates it with the script framework, configuration files and tools necessary to build the run-time system.

1 Answers

In order to really understand the autotools utilities you have to remember where they come from: they come from an open source world where there are (a) developers who are working from a source code repository (CVS, Git, etc.) and creating a tar file or similar containing source code and putting that tar file up on a download site, and (b) end-users who are getting the source code tar file, compiling that source code on their system and using the resulting binary. Obviously the folks in group (a) also compile the code and use the resulting binary, but the folks in group (b) don't have or need, often, all the tools for development that the folks in group (a) need.

So the use of the tools is geared towards this split, where the people in group (b) don't have access to autoconf, automake, etc.

When using autoconf, people generally check in the configure.ac file (input to autoconf) into source control but do not check in the output of autoconf, the configure script (some projects do check in the configure script of course: it's up to you).

When using automake, people generally check in the Makefile.am file (input to automake) but do not check in the output of automake: Makefile.in.

The configure script basically looks at your system for various optional elements that the package may or may not need, where they can be found, etc. Once it finds this information, it can use it to convert various XXX.in files (typically, but not solely, Makefile.in) into XXX files (for example, Makefile).

So the steps generally go like this: write configure.ac and Makefile.am and check them in. To build the project from source code control checkout, run autoconf to generate configure from configure.ac. Run automake to generate Makefile.in from Makefile.am. Run configure to generate Makefile from Makefile.in. Run make to build the product.

When you want to release the source code (if you're developing an open source product that makes source code releases) you run autoconf and automake, then bundle up the source code with the configure and Makefile.in files, so that people building your source code release just need make and a compiler and don't need any autotools.

Because the order of running autoconf and automake (and libtool if you use it) can be tricky there are scripts like autogen.sh and autoreconf, etc. which are checked into source control to be used by developers building from source control, but these are not needed/used by people building from the source code release tar file etc.

Autoconf and automake are often used together but you can use autoconf without automake, if you want to write your own Makefile.in.

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MadScientist Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 03:10
