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Conflict when simultaneously using keyboard events for scrolling and CSS scroll snapping

You can horizontally scroll my demo page by pressing Space Bar, Page Up / Page Down and Left Arrow / Right Arrow keys. You can also snap scroll with a mouse or trackpad.

But only one or the other works.

Is there a way that keyboard events and CSS scroll snapping can coexist? What am I missing? Any help would be really appreciated, since I’ve been struggling with this problem for over a week.

Check out my demo on CodePen

(Please uncomment the relevant piece of CSS code to enable the scroll snapping effect in order to see that keyboard shortcuts stop working.)

import animate from "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/animateplus@2/animateplus.js"

const sections = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("section")).sort(
  (s1, s2) => {
    return s1.getBoundingClientRect().left - s2.getBoundingClientRect().left

const getSectionInView = () => {
  const halfWidth = window.innerWidth / 2
  const index = sections.findIndex(
    section =>
      section.getBoundingClientRect().left <= halfWidth &&
      section.getBoundingClientRect().right > halfWidth
  return index

const getNextSection = dir => {
  const sectionInViewIndex = getSectionInView()
  const nextIndex = sectionInViewIndex + dir
  const numSections = sections.length
  const nextSectionIndex =
    nextIndex < 0 || nextIndex >= numSections ? sectionInViewIndex : nextIndex
  return sections[nextSectionIndex]

const container = document.scrollingElement

const animateScroll = dir => {
  const from = container.scrollLeft
  const { left } = getNextSection(dir).getBoundingClientRect()
  return progress => (container.scrollLeft = from + progress * left)

window.onload = () => {
  document.body.onkeydown = event => {
    switch (event.key) {
      case " ": // Space Bar
      case "PageDown":
      case "ArrowRight": {      
          easing: "out-quintic",
          change: animateScroll(1)
      case "PageUp":
      case "ArrowLeft":  {      
          easing: "out-quintic",
          change: animateScroll(-1)

Note: I’m using a small and elegant module called Animate Plus for achieving the smooth scrolling animation.

Update: @Kostja’s solution works in Chrome, but not in Safari for Mac or iOS, and it’s crucial to me that it works in Safari.

like image 357
Tzar Avatar asked Nov 20 '19 12:11


People also ask

Can I use CSS scroll snap?

CSS Scroll Snap is supported in all major browsers. A previous version of the specification was implemented in some browsers, and may appear in tutorials and articles. If material includes the deprecated scroll-snap-points-x and scroll-snap-points-y properties, it should be considered outdated.

What does scroll snap align do?

The scroll-snap-align property specifies the box's snap position as an alignment of its snap area (as the alignment subject) within its snap container's snapport (as the alignment container). The two values specify the snapping alignment in the block axis and inline axis, respectively.

1 Answers

I guess there is not, the css overwrites the javascript. But you can simply add wheel eventlistener like:

window.addEventListener("wheel", function() {
    if(event.deltaY > 0){
        easing: "out-quintic",
        change: animateScroll(1)
      if(event.deltaY < 0){
        easing: "out-quintic",
        change: animateScroll(-1)


like image 82
kostja Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 16:09
