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Conflict in return type from base class with derived class using auto




I have the following code:

struct A{};

struct Base {
    virtual A& internal() = 0;

struct Derives : public Base {    
    auto& internal() override { // <-- conflicting return type
        return internal_;

    A internal_;

int main() {
    Derives d;
    auto& internal = d.internal();

This fails to compile (tested on coliru - with gcc) with a conflicting return type - my question is why can't the compiler deduce that both internal_ (and therefore the return type) is A? Is the type deduced for auto in a different stage of compilation for example than the one which checks the virtual overrides? Of course this compiles if you replace auto with the correct type - but that is besides the point.

(Here is the clang error, gcc is somewhat similar)

main.cpp:8:11: error: return type of virtual function 'internal' is not covariant with the return type of the function it overrides ('auto &' is not derived from 'A &')

auto& internal() override { // <-- conflicting return type
~~~~~ ^

main.cpp:4:16: note: overridden virtual function is here

virtual A& internal() = 0;
        ~~ ^

1 error generated.

like image 672
Nim Avatar asked Jun 09 '16 12:06


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1 Answers

From [dcl.spec.auto]:

A function declared with a return type that uses a placeholder type shall not be virtual ([class.virtual]).

internal() is a virtual function, so you can't use auto.

The original proposal indicates the reasoning for this:

It would be possible to allow return type deduction for virtual functions, but that would complicate both override checking and vtable layout, so it seems preferable to prohibit this.

like image 77
Barry Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 12:10
