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Const and mutable



I just came across this code fragment, but I do not understand how it compiles:

class temp {
    int value1; 
    mutable int value2;
    void fun(int val) const
        ((temp*) this)->value1 = 10;
        value2 = 10;

What is the meaning of this line

((temp*) this)->value1 = 10;

value1 is getting assigned to 10, without any error. But value1 is not mutable. How does this compile?

like image 776
Phani Avatar asked Aug 26 '15 18:08


1 Answers

When a member variable does not have the mutable qualifier, you cannot modify it when an object is const.

When a member variable has the mutable qualifier, you can modify it even when an object is const.

Simple example:

struct Foo
   int var1;
   mutable int var2;

const Foo f{};
f.var1 = 10; // Not OK
f.var2 = 20; // OK

When you have:

void fun(int val) const
    ((temp*) this)->value1 = 10;
    value2 = 10;

you are bypassing the const-ness of the object and changing it in a way that you are not supposed to. This is subject to undefined behavior.

As far as the compiler is concerned, that code is equivalent to:

void fun(int val) const
    temp* ptr = (temp*)this

    // The compiler does not know how you got ptr.
    // It is able to modify value1 through ptr since ptr
    // points to a non-const object.
    ptr->value1 = 10;

    value2 = 10;
like image 157
R Sahu Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 23:10

R Sahu