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Confirm quit in Xcode




How to set Xcode to ask before quitting it? It happens that I accidentally press command-q, and it closes all windows. Is there a setting to prevent this, and pop up a confirmation dialog before closing everything?

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Display Name Avatar asked May 21 '15 08:05

Display Name

2 Answers

The only way I know is a plugin for Xcode called XQuit.

like image 85
Massimo Polimeni Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 10:09

Massimo Polimeni

You can remove the key binding from the menu Xcode > Preferences..., then click the 'Key Bindings' and change the value for 'Quit Xcode' to blank or something less prone to be press like CMD + Option + Q.

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Zack Sparks Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 10:09

Zack Sparks