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Configuring Pydev Interpreter in Eclipse to use Enthought Python Distribution

I downloaded Pydev plugin for Eclipse (3.5.2) today on Mac OSX 10.5.8. To be able to use Pydev, I need to configure the interpreter in Eclipse. I am not clear what exactly I need to do here, or what this step does. I want to make sure that when I run programs from Eclipse using Pydev, it uses the Enthought Python Distribution (EPD) I have installed, and can use all the packages that come with EPD. Can someone please tell me simple steps that I need to follow.

If I click on autoconfig, it shows a bunch of folders with the path


But I know that the Python that came with EPD is version 2.6.4, so autoconfig is not choosing EPD.

Thanks for any help.

UPDATE - solution

If anyone else is interested in learning how to do this, see the first link in the answer by mlvljr below. Use the solution there EXCEPT that as suggested in the solution, Shift+Cmd+G, did not help me see inside the Python.app package. To look inside it, use the "gear" drop down menu in the Finder and choose "Show Package Contents"

like image 549
Curious2learn Avatar asked Mar 18 '10 12:03


People also ask

How does Eclipse choose Python interpreter?

Go to Window → Preferences. In the Preferences window, expand PyDev and select Interpreter-Python. Click "New..." and type Python32 for the Interpreter name. For the Interpreter executable, browse to your copy of Python (C:\Program Files\Python32\python.exe), and press Open.

Why is PyDev not showing in Eclipse?

it seems that you installed pydev with wrong version. remember check your java version(by typing java -version in console). if it says 1.6. X, then you should NOT check "Show only the latest versions of available softerware" option in the first popup window after "Help->Install New Software" clicked.

What is Enthought Python distribution?

The Enthought Python Distribution is a cross-platform environment for scientific computing in Python, and includes the Canopy IDE and package manager. MSI has installed an academic-licensed version that includes hundreds of modules, including tools that enable efficient parallel computations.

1 Answers

Mac OS 10.6.4:

Selecting the interpreter as /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Python did not work.

I had to select /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/python

like image 90
Jace Browning Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 14:09

Jace Browning