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Configuring Eclipse for MinGW





I am using Eclipse Juno with MinGW (latest version) on my Win7-Laptop. My example code is successfully built within the IDE, but I can neither run nor debug it!

When I choose Run as=>Local C/C++-Application, I get

Launch failed. Binary not found.

However, there IS an exe-file as a result of the build process!

When I call cmd.exe, navigate to the source directory and call this built exe (a.out.exe), it works without problems!

I guess this is due to wrong/missing configuration of eclipse, but I couldn't find useful info on that so far. This thread mentions environment variables. I added MinGW and Msys to my PATH variable (that's why I can compile) but I can't run my software in eclipse!

So, what can be done to enable debugging?

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bogus Avatar asked Sep 27 '12 18:09


1 Answers

I have made a little tutorial.
how to set all for Eclipse have a look it's here https://stackoverflow.com/a/12169583/1322642

Hope it can help you a little bit.

like image 134
moskito-x Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 14:10
