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Conditionally import a framework (such as Speech) based on iOS Version in Swift?


Is there any way to conditionally import a framework in Swift based on runtime iOS version?

In particular, I have an app with a deployment target of iOS 8. I would like to use the new Apple Speech framework in the app, if it is available at runtime. I am aware of the #available(iOS 10, *) directive for code sections, and the @available(iOS 10, *) directive which can be used for an entire class. So I can easily avoid executing any code that uses the Speech framework with those. But in the file that contains the class that uses Speech, I need the "import Speech" statement, and neither of those two directives can be used there. I am finding that even if I have the @available(iOS 10, *) directive on my entire class, when I run my app on an iOS 9 device it is killed at launch with

"dyld: Library not loaded: /System/Library/Frameworks/Speech.framework/Speech". 

Am I missing something, or is it only possible to use the Speech framework in an app that has deployment target of 10?

like image 401
MattF_PI Avatar asked Jul 23 '16 00:07


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The correct approach is as follows: Import your Objective C framework by dragging and dropping the framework into an Xcode 6 Swift project. Create a new Objective C file in your project (File->New->File [Objective C for iOS]). Accept the prompt (agree) to create a bridging header file between Objective C and Swift.

What is framework in iOS Swift?

In Swift parlance, a module is a compiled group of code distributed together. A framework is one type of module while an app is another. Note: If you want to learn more about frameworks, read What are Frameworks?.

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You can use Objective-C and Swift files together in a single project, no matter which language the project used originally. This makes creating mixed-language app and framework targets as straightforward as creating an app or framework target written in a single language.

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Create new Xcode project using the Framework template Let's begin by creating a framework in Xcode by selecting File > New > Project… from the menu bar. Continue by selecting Framework project template under the iOS tab. Then click Next. Finally name your framework, you can name it whatever you want.

2 Answers

You can make the Framework optional (details and image from Ray Wenderlicht):

Making a framework optional

This, combined with your use of @available, should prevent the system from trying to load it on the devices where it is not available.

like image 160
Ali Beadle Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 07:09

Ali Beadle

You need to use

#if canImport(YourFramework) import YourFramework #endif 

instead of @available now, after setting your framework as optional :-)

like image 20
Nicolai Harbo Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 07:09

Nicolai Harbo