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How to uninstall package in Anaconda installed with pip


The problem:

I have installed Anaconda:

conda -V conda 4.4.7 

Also I installed a lot of packages for it using python3 setup.py install. I used it for some packages created from setup.py files.

Now I want to uninstall one package.

What I tried:

pip uninstall packageName pip3 uninstall packageName conda uninstall packageName 

It works for python: check pip list and pip3 list and there isn't such package.


But for conda I got this:

conda uninstall packageName Solving environment: failed  PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are missing from the target environment:   - packageName 

Let's check:

conda list packageName 

P.S. I found info that conda uninstall and conda remove doesn't work in this case. But what to do then?

P.S.S. Actually I changed real package name at packageName but if this information is important I will add it.

My info:

conda info       active environment : None        user config file : /home/masamok4/.condarc  populated config files : /home/masamok4/anaconda3/.condarc                           /home/masamok4/.condarc           conda version : 4.4.7     conda-build version : 3.0.27          python version : 3.6.3.final.0        base environment : /home/masamok4/anaconda3  (writable)            channel URLs : https://conda.anaconda.org/conda-forge/linux-64                           https://conda.anaconda.org/conda-forge/noarch                           https://repo.continuum.io/pkgs/main/linux-64                           https://repo.continuum.io/pkgs/main/noarch                           https://repo.continuum.io/pkgs/free/linux-64                           https://repo.continuum.io/pkgs/free/noarch                           https://repo.continuum.io/pkgs/r/linux-64                           https://repo.continuum.io/pkgs/r/noarch                           https://repo.continuum.io/pkgs/pro/linux-64                           https://repo.continuum.io/pkgs/pro/noarch           package cache : /home/masamok4/anaconda3/pkgs                           /home/masamok4/.conda/pkgs        envs directories : /home/masamok4/anaconda3/envs                           /home/masamok4/.conda/envs                platform : linux-64              user-agent : conda/4.4.7 requests/2.18.4 CPython/3.6.3 Linux/4.4.0-87-generic ubuntu/16.04 glibc/2.23                 UID:GID : 1003:1003              netrc file : None            offline mode : False 
like image 786
Mikhail_Sam Avatar asked Jan 19 '18 08:01


People also ask

Can you uninstall packages with pip?

Packages can be uninstalled from a virtual environment using pip or pipenv.

How do I delete all installed pip packages?

To remove all packages installed by pip with Python, we run pip uninstall . to run pip freeze to get the list of packages installed. And then we pipe that to xargs pip uninstall -y to remove all the packages listed by pip freeze with pip uninstall . We use the -y to remove everything without needing confirmation.

1 Answers

You can use Jupyter Notebook to solve this problem :

  • open Jupyter Notebook
  • open a new notebook with the right kernel
  • type !pip uninstall -y [package] in a code cell
  • run the cell code
like image 174
Loïc Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 07:09
