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conditionally add an element attribute in angular.js [duplicate]



I'm trying to add an autoplay attribute to a video tag based on the is_autoplay scope variable.

I searched all over the internet, but I couldn't find the exact snippet I wanted.

I tried following but none of them work.

<video autoplay="{{is_autoplay ? 'true' : 'false'}}">

<video ng-attr-autoplay="{is_autoplay}">

Someone even suggested the following

<video {{is_autoplay ? "autoplay" : ""}}>

The following solved my problem.

app.directive('attronoff', function() {
    return {
    link: function($scope, $element, $attrs) {
            function () { return $element.attr('data-attr-on'); },
            function (newVal) { 
                var attr = $element.attr('data-attr-name');

                if(!eval(newVal)) {
                else {
                    $element.attr(attr, attr);

Anyone can use this directive to add/remove attribute conditionally.


<video width="100%" height="100%" controls attronoff data-attr-on="{{is_autoplay}}" data-attr-name="autoplay">
like image 646
adeltahir Avatar asked Jun 10 '14 08:06


1 Answers

One Simple solution would be to use ng-if to generate the dom based on the condition.

For instance in your case, use

<video autoplay="true" ng-if="is_autoplay">...</video>
<video ng-if="!is_autoplay">...</video>

So if is_autoplay is true, the first element will be generated with the autoplay attribute and second on will not be in dom.

If is_autoplay is false, the second dom element will be generated without the autoplay attribue.

like image 168
guru Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 16:11
