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Conditional PAUSE (not in command line)



I like to have a final PAUSE in my *.bat scripts so I can just double click on them in Windows explorer and have the chance to read the output. However, the final PAUSE is an annoyance when I run the same script from the command line.

Is there any way to detect whether we are running the script from a command prompt (or not) and insert the PAUSE (or not) accordingly?

(Target environment is Windows XP and greater.)


I've managed to compose this from Anders's answer:

(((echo.%cmdcmdline%)|find /I "%~0")>nul)
if %errorlevel% equ 0 (
    set GUI=1
) else (
    set CLI=1

Then, I can do stuff like this:

if defined GUI pause
like image 727
Álvaro González Avatar asked Oct 14 '10 15:10

Álvaro González

People also ask

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1 Answers

@echo off
echo.Hello World
(((echo.%cmdcmdline%)|find /I "%~0")>nul)&&pause

...NT+ only, no %cmdcmdline% in Win9x probably.

As pointed out by E M in the comments, putting all of this on one line opens you up to some edge cases where %cmdcmdline% will escape out of the parenthesis. The workaround is to use two lines:

@echo off
echo.Hello World

echo.%cmdcmdline% | find /I "%~0" >nul
if not errorlevel 1 pause
like image 62
Anders Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 18:10
