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Conditional observables with forkJoin

I have a case where I may or may not need to add observables to a list. I then want to forkJoin the observables I do have so the page can load once all of the data is available.

let observables: Observable<any>[] = [];

observables.push(this.taskService.getStep(this.housingTransactionId, this.task.stageReferenceId, this.task.stepReferenceId));

if (this.task.associatedChatThreadId) {
    observables.push(this.messageHubService.getChatThread(this.housingTransactionId, this.task.associatedChatThreadId));

if (this.task.associatedDocuments && this.task.associatedDocuments.length > 0) {
    this.task.associatedDocuments.forEach(documentId => {
        observables.push(this.documentHubService.getDocumentProperties(this.housingTransactionId, documentId));

    .subscribe(([step, chatThread, ...documents]) => {

        this.step = step;           
        this.chatThread = chatThread;           
        this.documents = documents;

        this.isPageLoading = false;

    }, error => {
        this.isPageLoading = false;

The problem I'm getting is that if I don't have a this.task.associatedChatThreadId, then the observable is not added to the list and when the forkJoin is executed, the ...documents are in the position of the chatThread property in the subscribe method (well, the first document!).

Is there a way to ensure the positioning of the responses from a forkJoin? Or should I/can I use a different approach?

like image 907
Chris B Avatar asked Dec 23 '22 04:12

Chris B

1 Answers

Most easily you can add a dumb Observable.of(null) with null value if the condition is not met in order to keep the same order of responses:

if (this.task.associatedChatThreadId) {
} else {

Then in the subscription you can check if chatThread === null becauese it'll always be present at the same position.

Alternatively, you could wrap each Observable in observables with some extra object that would make it uniquely identifiable in the subscriber but that would be unnecessarily complicated so I'd personally stick to the first option.

like image 113
martin Avatar answered Jan 05 '23 09:01
