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Conditional Join in Spark DataFrame

I am trying to join two DataFrame with condition.

I have two dataframe A and B.

A contains id,m_cd and c_cd columns B contains m_cd,c_cd and record columns

Conditions are -

  • If m_cd is null then join c_cd of A with B
  • If m_cd is not null then join m_cd of A with B

we can use "when" and "otherwise()" in withcolumn() method of dataframe, so is there any way to do this for the case of join in dataframe.

I have already done this using Union.But wanted to know if there any other option available.

like image 893
Avijit Avatar asked Sep 09 '16 17:09


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PySpark Join Two DataFrames Following is the syntax of join. The first join syntax takes, right dataset, joinExprs and joinType as arguments and we use joinExprs to provide a join condition. The second join syntax takes just the right dataset and joinExprs and it considers default join as inner join .

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1 Answers

You can use the "when" / "otherwise" in the join condition:

case class Foo(m_cd: Option[Int], c_cd: Option[Int])
val dfA = spark.createDataset(Array(
    Foo(Some(1), Some(2)),
    Foo(Some(2), Some(3)),
    Foo(None: Option[Int], Some(4))

val dfB = spark.createDataset(Array(
    Foo(Some(1), Some(5)),
    Foo(Some(2), Some(6)),
    Foo(Some(10), Some(4))

val joinCondition = when($"a.m_cd".isNull, $"a.c_cd"===$"b.c_cd")

dfA.as('a).join(dfB.as('b), joinCondition).show

It might still be more readable to use the union, though.

like image 189
alghimo Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 18:11
