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Conditional formatting using AND() function

I'm trying conditional formatting on a sheet. I need to fill the cells with a certain color according to the following conditional statement:


When I try the statements in the AND() function separately, they seem to work, but when I put them together in the function I don't see any formatting happening.

Here is some background: Row 4 of the "current column" has a date (DATE1) in it. There are also dates on the D and E columns of the "current row" (DATE2 and DATE3). So, I would like to fill the cell with a color if DATE1 is between DATE2 and DATE3.

I cannot see why the formula is not working. Any help is much appreciated.

Update (Dec 13, 2011):

I implemented a function that I call from the cells I need this functionality. The function returns integer values. Then conditional formatting only uses the integers in the cells. This way, the conditional formatting is less complicated. I'm passing INDIRECT(ADDRESS(ROW();COLUMN())) into the function I implement. So, I have all the information I need when working on relative and/ or absolute cells. Would be great to know a simpler way to pass the current cell as range into the function.

Note: ActiveCell didn't seem to work for me. It uses the data from the cell which is selected by the time the function is run. That's not what I'm looking for. I could of course pass the cell itself (as in A4, B7, etc.) but I'm not sure if it really matters in terms of performance.

Thanks to all of you who responded to my question.

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some user Avatar asked Dec 12 '11 11:12

some user

2 Answers

I was having the same problem with the AND() breaking the conditional formatting. I just happened to try treating the AND as multiplication, and it works! Remove the AND() function and just multiply your arguments. Excel will treat the booleans as 1 for true and 0 for false. I just tested this formula and it seems to work.

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James Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 19:10


You can use a much simpler formula. I just created a new workbook to test it.

Column A = Date1 | Column B = Date2 | Column C = Date3

Highlight Column A and enter the conditional formatting formula:

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Lee Tickett Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 19:10

Lee Tickett