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Conditional Attributes in Sightly Templates (AEM/CQ)

In the Sightly templating language, for Adobe AEM6 (CQ), how do I add an attribute to an element only if a condition is true, without duplicating lots of code/logic?


<ul data-sly-list="${items}" ${if condition1} class="selected"${/if}>
    <li${if condition2} class="selected"${/if}>
        Lots of other code here
like image 943
Alasdair McLeay Avatar asked Jul 03 '14 09:07

Alasdair McLeay

People also ask

How do you write or condition in sightly?

The expression language of Sightly has a few operators that allow to do things like that. In your case, you have two possibilities: the conditional operator, or the logical AND ( && ) operator. This operator works like data-sly-test , but at the level of the expression.

What is data sly attribute?

Description. data-sly-element attribute with example in AEM: data-sly-element is a sightly/htl attributes which replaces the element name of the host element. In this video I have created a template called newtemplate which points to demo component which is a page rendering component.

1 Answers

When setting HTML attributes dynamically (with an expression), Sightly guesses your intention to simplify the writing:

  • If the value is an empty string or if it is the false boolean, then the attribute gets remove altogether.
    For instance <p class="${''}">Hi</p> and <p class="${false}">Hi</p> render just <p>Hi</p>.

  • If the value is the true boolean, then the attribute is written as a boolean HTML attribute (i.e. without attribute value, like for e.g. the checked, selected, or disabled form attributes).
    For instance <input type="checkbox" checked="${true}"> renders <input type="checkbox" checked>.

You can then use two Sightly operators to achieve what you want (both work as in JavaScript): the ternary conditional operator, or the logical AND (&&) operator.

Ternary conditional operator

<ul data-sly-list="${items}" class="${condition1 ? 'selected' : ''}">
    <li class="${condition2 ? 'selected' : ''}">
        Lots of other markup here

Logical AND operator

For that, you additionally have to understand that like in JavaScript, ${value1 && value2} returns value1 if it is falsy (e.g. false, or an empty string), otherwise it returns value2:

<ul data-sly-list="${items}" class="${condition1 && 'selected'}">
    <li class="${condition2 && 'selected'}">
        Lots of other markup here

As said, in both examples the class attribute will be removed altogether if the corresponding condition is false.

like image 80
Gabriel Walt Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 12:09

Gabriel Walt