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Restrict the components in AEM 5.6.1



How can I restrict the components in AEM 5.6.1 that can be used in a particular parsys of a template with out selecting them in the design mode?

like image 829
Morais Avatar asked Apr 24 '14 16:04


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1 Answers

In CRXDE, under /etc/designs/[your design]/jcr:content, you can define nodes to represent each of your templates & their paragraphs & list the allowed components for each.

The format is a node for each template that contains a node for each parsys (both [nt:unstructured]).

The parsys node then has a sling:resourceType defined of foundation/components/parsys and a components property of String[]. For an example, check out how the Geometrixx one is defined: http://localhost:4502/crx/de/index.jsp#/etc/designs/geometrixx/jcr%3Acontent/contentpage/par

You could then extract this via VLT, which gets stored as a .content.xml file under etc/designs/[your design].

Alternatively, you can create that file by hand, too. E.g. the following would define 'Your Design' as allowing default "text" and "image" components on the "yourParsys" paragraph of "yourTemplate".

<jcr:root xmlns:sling="http://sling.apache.org/jcr/sling/1.0"     
      jcr:title="You Design">
        <yourTemplate jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured">

This allows you to move this file across instances (e.g when deploying a CRX package) so that you don't have to configure environments individually & which components are allowed where can also be managed by version control.

like image 172
anotherdave Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 19:10
