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Conditional @Scripts.Render in ASP.net MVC 4



In my _Layout.cshtml page I want to only include certain @Styles.Render bundles depending on the view being displayed. For example one page may use the jQueryUI library while another may not and I don't want to make the request to download the library if I don't have to. Can I use a conditional statement in my _layout.cshtml to achieve this?

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TheRealDanBiss Avatar asked May 22 '13 18:05


2 Answers

In your _Layout.cshtml page add a @RenderSection

@RenderSection("Page_Styles", required: false)

Then in your individual views you can add styles as needed

@section Page_Styles {

Same idea for scripts

@RenderSection("Scripts", required: false)

@section Scripts {
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Jasen Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 23:09


You're better off creating a section in your _layout.cshtml file and then adding content to that section within the view itself. I do something like this for my stylesheets that I don't want to load on every single page:

<!-- _layout.cshtml -->
    <!-- will load on every page -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="common.css" />
    <!-- will load on only the views where you have @section CSS -->
    @RenderSection("CSS", false)

and then the view:

<p>some content</p>
@section CSS { @Styles.Render("~/mystylesheet.css") }
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Chris Conway Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 23:09

Chris Conway