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Conda and Python Modules

Sadly, I do not understand how to install random python modules for use within iPython Notebooks with my Anaconda distribution. The issue is compounded by the fact that I need to be able to do these things without always using a live internet connection.

Most frequently I run into a problem with gcc compiling, where I can install a module with my basic Python2.7, but not with Conda or with the Anaconda/Python.exe.

  • Is Conda only able to install certain modules, as opposed to all valid python modules?

  • What is binstar?

  • What do I have to do, if anything, to a normal python module in order to make it "Conda-ready," so to speak?

  • Once I have downloaded a python module from SourceForge or GitHub or wherever, how can I ask Conda to install that module from the source files / binary on my computer (without having to connect to the internet)?

Help is greatly appreciated.

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user1893148 Avatar asked Oct 28 '13 18:10


People also ask

What is the difference between conda and Python?

Thus, the main difference between Python and Anaconda is that the former is a programming language and the latter is software to install and manage Python and other programming languages (such as R). In this article, we'll discuss how to use Anaconda to manage and install packages as well as when to use pip or conda .

Can I use both pip and conda?

Built into Anaconda, conda is a powerful package manager and environment manager that you use with command-line in the Anaconda Prompt for Windows, or in a terminal window for macOS or Linux. pip is the standard package manager for python, meaning you can use it both inside and outside of Anaconda.

What Python libraries come with Anaconda?

The Anaconda distribution comes with packages that can be used on Windows, Linux, and MacOS. The individual edition includes popular package names like numpy , pandas , scipy , sklearn , tensorflow , pytorch , matplotlib , and more.

Is conda a python package?

Conda is written in the Python programming language, but can manage projects containing code written in any language (e.g., R), including multi-language projects. Conda can install Python, while similar Python-based cross-platform package managers (such as wheel or pip) cannot.

1 Answers

Q1: Is Conda only able to install certain modules, as opposed to all valid python modules?

If I understood your question correct, then it is along the lines "How do I get access to all the Anaconda packages"?

A: You go online (!), open your cmd.exe or shell and type:

conda update conda.

Hit y+enter when prompted. When the installer is done, you type:

conda update anaconda.

If you get an error in that process, then I would guess your $PATH$ variable needs a check. Google this problem, or cd into the anaconda folder and try again. If it still fails, then try downloading the anaconda package from here and install it again and press Y when prompted to setup Anaconda as default python.

Q2: What is binstar?

A: A package manager. I don't think you need it.

Q3: What do I have to do, if anything, to a normal python module in order to make it "Conda-ready," so to speak?

A: Nothing. You can just run it from the IPython GUI using %run MyScript.py

Here is an example: Let's write the following Python script in a file called script.py:

print("Running script.")
x = 12
print("'x' is now equal to {0:d}.".format(x))

Now, assuming we are in the directory where this file is located, we can execute it in IPython by entering the following command:

In [1]: %run script.py
Running script.
'x' is now equal to 12.
In [2]: x
Out[2]: 12

When running the script, the standard output of the console displays any print statement. At the end of execution, the x variable defined in the script is then included in the interactive namespace, which is quite convenient.

Q4: Once I have downloaded a python module from SourceForge or GitHub or wherever, how can I ask Conda to install that module from the source files / binary on my computer (without having to connect to the internet)?

A: I don't download anything from anywhere manually. If you have to you can use pip or easy_install when absolute necessary, but before you experiment with these functions, please start by checking the Anaconda docs here. There are plenty of packages, and I would be surprised if they do not cover your needs.

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root-11 Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 14:10
