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Concatenate Constant String and Enum [duplicate]

I have a large C# class which is full of nothing but public const string fields. However, in one case I am trying to concatenate a string and a enum value into a const string field, like this:

public const string GET_VALUES = "SELECT * FROM [tbl] WHERE [id] = " + Enum.Val;

However, I get this compiler error:

'Namespace.SqlStatements.GET_VALUES' must be constant

I know I could drop the const clause, but I would like to keep all fields within this class consistent. Is it possible to concatenate a constant string and a enum in C#?

like image 396
Oliver Spryn Avatar asked Jul 25 '14 10:07

Oliver Spryn

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1 Answers

From MSDN:

A constant expression is an expression that can be fully evaluated at compile time. Therefore, the only possible values for constants of reference types are string and a null reference.

In your case, the enum will have to be converted to a string using ToString, which is not possible at compile time. I'd suggest you change it to readonly as elgonzo mentioned.

like image 193
Chris Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 13:10
