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Computing vowel frequency with R

Can you please give me a hint on what's the best and easiest way to compute the absolute and relative frequencies of vowels in a string using R?

I guess the source code is a bit different from what I've found so far in the forum concerning Java.

like image 327
vanja_65 Avatar asked Dec 10 '22 00:12


1 Answers

Set up some data:

text <- "Can you please give me a hint on what's the best and easiest way to compute the absolute and relative frequencies of vowels in a string using R?

I guess the source code is a bit different from what I've found so far in the forum concerning Java.

Any help is appreciated."

Analyse it:

x <- tolower(strsplit(text, "")[[1]])
x <- x[x %in% letters]

Absolute frequency:

 a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  l  m  n  o  p  q  r  s  t  u  v  w  y 
19  3  8  6 29  8  5  8 17  1  5  4 16 14  5  1 11 16 17  9  5  4  3 

Relative frequency:

          a           b           c           d           e           f           g           h           i 
0.088785047 0.014018692 0.037383178 0.028037383 0.135514019 0.037383178 0.023364486 0.037383178 0.079439252 
          j           l           m           n           o           p           q           r           s 
0.004672897 0.023364486 0.018691589 0.074766355 0.065420561 0.023364486 0.004672897 0.051401869 0.074766355 
          t           u           v           w           y 
0.079439252 0.042056075 0.023364486 0.018691589 0.014018692 
like image 85
Andrie Avatar answered Dec 28 '22 06:12
