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Computing the "closure" of the attributes of an object given functions that change the attributes

I have an object obj and a number of functions

    def func1(obj):

    def func2(obj):

    def func3(obj):

that each change the values of the attributes of obj.

I want my input to be something like

obj = MyObject()

This should be passed to a function closure() that computes all possible applictions of the functions above, meaning func1(func2(obj)), func3(func1(func1(obj))) etc. up to a certain stopping condition (e.g. no more than 20 function compositions).

The output should be a list of all possible outputs together with all paths leading there. So if, say 104 and 93 are the one possible final outputs if obj.attr=22, and there are two ways to arrive at 104 and one to arrive at 93. Then

print closure(obj)

should be something like

[22, 64, 21, 104] #first path to 104 through , func1(obj),func1(func1(obj)), func1(func1(func3(obj)))

[22, 73, 104] #second path to 104 through , func3(obj),func3(func2(obj)), 

[22, 11, 93] #the only path to arrive at 94

How could I implement this? As was suggested in the comments, this is best done with trees, but although I tried 2 days I almost didn't make any progress implementing that (I'm new to Python/programming)!
My example is so simple that instead of func(obj) we could directly use func(22) but the example I need to work on is more complicated, where I definitely will need to use objects, so this would only be a minimal working example for that.

The tree will probably not be a full n-ary tree, since each function application will contain a test whether it can be applied to the current state (of the attributes) of obj and in some cases the test will fail leaving (the attributes of) obj unchanged.

like image 207
user47574 Avatar asked Sep 12 '17 12:09


1 Answers

Here's a simple example that tries to find whether a number (goal) is a predecessor of another (inital_state) when applying the rule in the Collatz conjecture.

In your example, obj is the state, and [func1, func2, ...] is functions in my example. This version will return a path to a final output, minimizing the number of function applications. Instead of searching, you can list all states by removing the goal test and returning prev_states after the loop finishes.

from collections import deque

def multiply_by_two(x):
    return x * 2

def sub_one_div_three(x):
    if (x - 1) % 3 == 0:
        return (x - 1) // 3
        return None # invalid

functions = [multiply_by_two, sub_one_div_three]

# find the path to a given function
def bfs(initial_state, goal):
    initial_path = []
    states = deque([(initial_state, initial_path)])     # deque of 2-tuples: (state, list of functions to get there)
    prev_states = {initial_state}                       # keep track of previously visited states to avoid infinite loop

    while states:
        # print(list(map(lambda x: x[0], states)))      # print the states, not the paths. useful to see what's going on
        state, path = states.popleft()

        for func in functions:
            new_state = func(state)

            if new_state == goal:                       # goal test: if we found the state, we're done
                return new_state, path + [func]

            if (new_state is not None and           # check that state is valid
                new_state not in prev_states):      # and that state hasn't been visited already
                states.append((new_state, path + [func]))
            prev_states.add(new_state)              # make sure state won't be added again
        raise Exception("Could not get to state")

print(bfs(1, 5))

# prints (5, [<function multiply_by_two at 0x000002E746727F28>, <function multiply_by_two at 0x000002E746727F28>, <function multiply_by_two at 0x000002E746727F28>, <function multiply_by_two at 0x000002E746727F28>, <function sub_one_div_three at 0x000002E7493C9400>]). You can extract the path from here.
like image 142
c2huc2hu Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 20:10
