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Complex JavaScript. What called me?

Project I'm working on uses jQuery.

I have a series of Ajax calls being made that load() other HTML fragments which in turn load() other fragments. The whole thing is confusing. I didn't write the code.

Is there any tool which will allow me to walk the callstack so I can figure what is calling a method? any browser tools that would help me figure this out?

In the end this was being caused because a <script src="..." was being injected in the server-side code. Your suggestions really helped - it was a combination of those and temporarily setting Ajax to sync instead async that helped me track down the issue.

    async: false
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BuddyJoe Avatar asked May 17 '10 20:05


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1 Answers

Firebug is capable of this.

When the debugger is paused, Firebug shows you the call stack, which is the set of nested function calls that are currently running and waiting to return.

The call stack is represented as a compact strip of buttons in the toolbar, each with the name of a function on the stack. You can click any button to jump to the line where that function is paused, and look at the local variables inside that function.

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Robert Harvey Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 18:10

Robert Harvey