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Compiling Java Generics with Wildcards to C++ Templates

I am trying to build a Java to C++ trans-compiler (i.e. Java code goes in, semantically "equivalent" (more or less) C++ code comes out).

Not considering garbage collection, the languages are quite familiar, so the overall process works quite well already. One issue, however, are generics which do not exist in C++. Of course, the easiest way would be to perform erasure as done by the java compiler. However, the resulting C++ code should be nice to handle, so it would be good if I would not lose generic type information, i.e., it would be good, if the C++ code would still work with List<X> instead of List. Otherwise, the C++ code would need explicit casting everywhere where such generics are used. This is bug-prone and inconvenient.

So, I am trying to find a way to somehow get a better representation for generics. Of course, templates seem to be a good candidate. Although they are something completely different (metaprogramming vs. compile-time only type enhancement), they could still be useful. As long as no wildcards are used, just compiling a generic class to a template works reasonably well. However, as soon as wildcards come into play, things get really messy.

For example, consider the following java constructor of a list:

class List<T>{
List(Collection<? extends T> c){

Collection<String> c = ...; 
List<Object> l = new List<Object>(c);

how to compile this? I had the idea of using chainsaw reinterpret cast between templates. Then, the upper example could be compiled like that:

template<class T>
class List{
List(Collection<T*> c){

Collection<String*> c = ...; 
List<Object*> l = new List<Object*>(reinterpret_cast<Collection<Object*>>(c));

however, the question is whether this reinterpret cast produces the expected behaviour. Of course, it is dirty. But will it work? Usually, List<Object*> and List<String*> should have the same memory layout, as their template parameter is only a pointer. But is this guaranteed?

Another solution I thought of would be replacing methods using wildcards by template methods which instanciate each wildcard parameter, i.e., compile the constructor to

template<class T>
class List{

template<class S>
List(Collection<S*> c){

of course, all other methods involving wildcards, like addAll would then also need template parameters. Another problem with this approach would be handling wildcards in class fields for example. I cannot use templates here.

A third approach would be a hybrid one: A generic class is compiled to a template class (call it T<X>) and an erased class (call it E). The template class T<X> inherits from the erased class E so it is always possible to drop genericity by upcasting to E. Then, all methods containing wildcards would be compiled using the erased type while others could retain the full template type.

What do you think about these methods? Where do you see the dis-/advantages of them? Do you have any other thoughts of how wildcards could be implemented as clean as possible while keeping as much generic information in the code as possible?

like image 966
gexicide Avatar asked Jun 06 '12 10:06


1 Answers

Not considering garbage collection, the languages are quite familiar, so the overall process works quite well already.

No. While the two languages actually look rather similar, they are significantly different as to "how things are done". Such 1:1 trans-compilations as you are attempting will result in terrible, underperforming, and most likely faulty C++ code, especially if you are looking not at a stand-alone application, but at something that might interface with "normal", manually-written C++.

C++ requires a completely different programming style from Java. This begins with not having all types derive from Object, touches on avoiding new unless absolutely necessary (and then restricting it to constructors as much as possible, with the corresponding delete in the destructor - or better yet, follow Potatoswatter's advice below), and doesn't end at "patterns" like making your containers STL-compliant and passing begin- and end-iterators to another container's constructor instead of the whole container. I also didn't see const-correctness or pass-by-reference semantics in your code.

Note how many of the early Java "benchmarks" claimed that Java was faster than C++, because Java evangelists took Java code and translated it to C++ 1:1, just like you are planning to do. There is nothing to be won by such transcompilation.

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DevSolar Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 16:10
