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Compiler error C3493: 'func' cannot be implicitly captured because no default capture mode has been specified

Can you help me resolve this compiler error?

template<class T>
static void ComputeGenericDropCount(function<void(Npc *, int)> func)
    T::ForEach([](T *what) {
        Npc *npc = Npc::Find(what->sourceId);

            func(npc, what->itemCount); // <<<<<<< ERROR HERE
            // Error    1   error C3493: 'func' cannot be implicitly captured because no default capture mode has been specified


static void PreComputeNStar()
     // ...
    ComputeGenericDropCount<DropSkinningNpcCount>([](Npc *npc, int i) { npc->nSkinned += i; });
    ComputeGenericDropCount<DropHerbGatheringNpcCount>([](Npc *npc, int i) { npc->nGathered += i; });
    ComputeGenericDropCount<DropMiningNpcCount>([](Npc *npc, int i) { npc->nMined += i; });

I can't understand why it's giving me the error and I don't know how to fix it. ComputeGenericDropCount(auto func) doesn't work either.

like image 281
Thomas Bonini Avatar asked Nov 30 '10 16:11

Thomas Bonini

1 Answers

You need to specify how to capture func into the lambda.

[] don't capture anything

[&] capture-by-reference

[=] capture-by-value (copy)

T::ForEach([&](T *what) {

I'd also recommend that you should send func by const reference.

static void ComputeGenericDropCount(const function<void(Npc *, int)>& func)
like image 64
ronag Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 17:10
