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Compile wix project using "Any CPU" instead of "X86"

When I compile a wix project, and wix launch the compilation via MSbuild of all the existing projects, can I use "Any CPU" instead of "X86" or "64 bit" ?

If not, how can I compile the projects using "Any CPU" ?

like image 865
Anas Avatar asked Jan 16 '14 17:01


1 Answers

If your question is whether you can compile WIXPROJ for Any CPU then the answer is no.

"WiX projects will not be built when building the 'Any CPU' platform because Windows Installer packages are CPU-specific."

The TargetPlatform setting in your WIXPROJ defines the way Windows Installer treats folder variables, registries and GAC etc. For example, the setup project will use the [ProgramFiles64Folder] variable if the TargetPlatform of the setup project is x64; and [ProgramFilesFolder] for x86.

Check this answer, it will be helpful: http://windows-installer-xml-wix-toolset.687559.n2.nabble.com/Any-CPU-platform-in-wix-3-0-td3441097.html

like image 136
Isaiah4110 Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 13:09
