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Compare two strings in freemarker



I am using free marker and i am returning response from application as string i need to compare the response with static some string . Here is the way of doing. ${users.isValid} it is returning "true" in but i am not able to compare this variable form my variable.Code i am using is :

<#if ${parameters.isvalid}>
It is valid data
It is Invalid data

What is possible way to close this issue thanks in advance.

like image 963
venkat2010 Avatar asked Dec 17 '13 12:12


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Equals character: = (Supported since FreeMarker 2.3. 28.) The Code after the \x is 1 to 4 hexadecimal digits. For example this all put a copyright sign into the string: "\xA9 1999-2001" , "\x0A9 1999-2001" , "\x00A9 1999-2001" .

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eval. This built-in evaluates a string as an FTL expression. For example "1+2"? eval returns the number 3. (To render a template that's stored in a string, use the interpret built-in instead.)

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c (when used with numerical value) This built-in converts a number to string for a "computer language" as opposed to for human audience. That is, it formats with the rules that programming languages used to use, which is independent of all the locale and number format settings of FreeMarker.

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1 Answers

I have used the following syntax to compare two string values in freemarker.

<#if parameters.isvalid == "true">

like image 129
venkat2010 Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 21:10
