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does freemarker support show all variable in data-model?



I want to see all variables in freemarker data-model, just like struts2 debug tag to show value stack.

Is there a way for freemarker to do this ?

like image 399
hiway Avatar asked Sep 26 '13 12:09


People also ask

How do you add values on FreeMarker?

If you want to insert the value of an expression into a string, you can use ${...} (and the deprecated #{...} ) in string literals. ${...} in string literals behaves similarly as in text sections (so it goes through the same locale sensitive number and date/time formatting).

What is eval in FreeMarker?

eval. This built-in evaluates a string as an FTL expression. For example "1+2"? eval returns the number 3. (To render a template that's stored in a string, use the interpret built-in instead.)

Is FreeMarker case sensitive?

The string converted to boolean value. The string must be true or false (case sensitive!), or must be in the format specified by the boolean_format setting. If the string is not in the appropriate format, an error will abort template processing when you try to access this built-in.

2 Answers

There's no universal solution possible for that, but you can try

<#list .data_model?keys as key>

This works if the data-model is just a usual Map or JavaBean, but for more sophisticated data-models it's up to the data-model implementation if it supports ?keys and if it indeed returns everything.

You also have the variables that you set in the templates, which can be listed like above, only instead of .data_model use .globals, .namespace (which means the current template namespace) and .locals.

You may also have Configuration-level shared variables, and there's no way to list those purely from FTL (you could write a custom TemplateMethodModel for it that reads Configuration.getSharedVariableNames() though, and call it from the template).

Of course, ideally, FreeMarker should have a <#show_variables> directive or something, that does a best effort to show all this... but sadly there is no such thing yet.

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ddekany Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 05:09


An even more detailed way would be this macro:

<#macro dump_object object debug=false>
        <#if object??>
                <#if object?is_node>
                    <#if object?node_type == "text">${object?html}
                    <#else>&lt;${object?node_name}<#if object?node_type=="element" && object.@@?has_content><#list object.@@ as attr>
                        <#if object?children?has_content><#list object?children as item>
                            <@dump_object object=item/></#list><#else>${object}</#if> &lt;/${object?node_name}&gt;</#if>
                <#elseif object?is_method>
                <#elseif object?is_sequence>
                        [<#list object as item><@dump_object object=item/><#if !item?is_last>, </#if></#list>]
                <#elseif object?is_hash_ex>
                        {<#list object as key, item>${key?html}=<@dump_object object=item/><#if !item?is_last>, </#if></#list>}
                <#if !debug><!-- </#if>LOG: Could not parse object <#if debug><pre>${.error}</pre><#else>--></#if>

<@dump_object object=.data_model/>

This gives you a full dump of your data model.

like image 30
dr_hanns Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 05:09
