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Compare two object with deep comparision or with json.stringify?

I am having a complex JSON object which I want to compare like below :

$scope.new = [
    "name": "Node-1",
    "isParent": true,
    "text" : [
           "str" : "This is my first Node-1 string",
          "str" : "This is my second Node-1 string",
     "nodes": [
        "name": "Node-1-1",
        "isParent": false,
         "text" : [
             "str" : "This is my first Node-1-1 string",
             "str" : "This is my second Node-1-1 string",
           "nodes": [
            "name": "Node-1-1-1",
            "isParent": false,
            "text" : [
              "str" : "This is my first Node-1-1-1 string",
              "str" : "This is my second Node-1-1-1 string",
            "nodes": []

But while comparing I want to ignore 1 property also but as I am using Angular.js I don't see any option in angular.equal which will omit that property while comparing 2 object.


So while doing research I came with below answer which is using lodash having emit option but problem is I guess omit create a copy and I guess I will have performance degradation in case of lodash.

Exclude some properties in comparison using isEqual() of lodash

So now I am thinking to convert object so string and then do comparison and I guess that will be fast but problem is how I will omit that property while string comparison?

Something like this:

var str1 = JSON.stringify(JSON.stringify($scope.new));

var str2 = JSON.stringify(JSON.stringify($scope.copy));


Note: I want to ignore isParent property while comparing 2 object.

What would be the best way to do compare 2 object?

like image 919
Learning-Overthinker-Confused Avatar asked Oct 18 '22 05:10


2 Answers

Converting to strings is not the best approach in these cases. Keep them as objects.

Using loadash:

const propertiesToExclude = ['isParent'];
let result = _.isEqual(
  _.omit(obj1, propertiesToExclude),
  _.omit(obj2, propertiesToExclude)

Using plain AngularJS, create a copy of the objects removing the not needed properties and then compare them:

let firstObj = angular.copy(obj1);
let secondObj = angular.copy(obj2);
const propertiesToExclude = ['isParent'];
function removeNotComparatedProperties(obj) {
  propertiesToExclude.forEach(prop => {
    delete obj[prop];

angular.equals(firstObj, secondObj);
like image 120
quirimmo Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 07:10


You can use lodash and override the standard comparator used for deep comparison if you use _.isEqualWith:

var objA = {
  isParent: true,
  foo: {
    isParent: false,
    bar: "foobar"

var objB = {
  isParent: false,
  foo: {
    isParent: true,
    bar: "foobar"

var comparator = function(left, right, key) {
  if (key === 'isParent') return true; // if the key is 'isParent', mark the values equal
  else return undefined;               // else fall back to the default behavior

var isEqual = _.isEqualWith(objA, objB, comparator);

console.log(isEqual); // true
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/lodash.js/4.17.4/lodash.min.js"></script>

To exclude multiple properties, extend the comparator function accordingly:

var comparator = function(left, right, key) {
  if (key === 'isParent' || key === 'anotherKey') return true;
  else return undefined;

You could also use a number of different approaches syntactically, depending on what you prefer -- a switch statement, an array that you iterate...

like image 27
TimoStaudinger Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 08:10
