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Delay in keyboard dismiss react-native

I am building a react native app and I am fairly new to this. I am using React navigation for moving from one page to another. Currently, I am using stack navigator.

I have two screens, A and B. In screen B I have a search input that uses the keyboard. When the back button in the header is pressed whilst the keyboard is open I navigate to screen A but there is a significant delay before the keyboard dismisses. I have put Keyboard.dismiss(); in componentWillUnmount in Screen B and componentWillMount in screen A. Unsure as to how or wether or not it's possible to add an onClick event to the back button as I believe it's inside the header component.

  export default class Locations extends Component {
   static navigationOptions = {
     title: 'Search Location',

  renderHeader = () => {
    return <SearchBar onChangeText={(text) =>this.handleSearch(text)} 
      placeholder="Type Here..." lightTheme round />;

Any one had this issue before?

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Ben Revell Avatar asked Oct 18 '22 06:10

Ben Revell

2 Answers

While defining the StackNavigator try to pass in this option:

const StackNavigatorConfig = {
  navigationOptions: {
    header: ({ goBack }) => {
      const goBackAndDismissKeyboard = (ev) => {
          return goBack(ev)
      return { left: <Left onPress={goBackAndDismissKeyboard} />}

StackNavigator(RouteConfigs, StackNavigatorConfig)
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Vanojx1 Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 21:10


You can just add

onTransitionStart: () => Keyboard.dismiss(),

at your stacknavigator definition and don't need to modify each backbutton.

For example:

const mainScreen = createStackNavigator(
    MainScreen: {
      screen: MainScreen,
    onTransitionStart: () => Keyboard.dismiss(),
    initialRouteName: 'MainScreen'
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wade012 Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 23:10
