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Compare two date fields in MongoDB

in my collection each document has 2 dates, modified and sync. I would like to find those which modified > sync, or sync does not exist.

I tried

{'modified': { $gt : 'sync' }}

but it's not showing what I expected. Any ideas?


like image 462
Rafa Llorente Avatar asked Aug 07 '13 16:08

Rafa Llorente

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The $dateDiff expression returns the integer difference between the startDate and endDate measured in the specified units . Durations are measured by counting the number of times a unit boundary is passed. For example, two dates that are 18 months apart would return 1 year difference instead of 1.5 years .

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In Java, two dates can be compared using the compareTo() method of Comparable interface. This method returns '0' if both the dates are equal, it returns a value "greater than 0" if date1 is after date2 and it returns a value "less than 0" if date1 is before date2.

What is $EXPR in MongoDB?

$expr can build query expressions that compare fields from the same document in a $match stage. If the $match stage is part of a $lookup stage, $expr can compare fields using let variables. See Perform Multiple Joins and a Correlated Subquery with $lookup for an example.

1 Answers

You can not compare a field with the value of another field with the normal query matching. However, you can do this with the aggregation framework:

db.so.aggregate( [
    { $match: …your normal other query… },
    { $match: { $eq: [ '$modified', '$sync' ] } }
] );

I put …your normal other query… in there as you can make that bit use the index. So if you want to do this for only documents where the name field is charles you can do:

db.so.ensureIndex( { name: 1 } );
db.so.aggregate( [
    { $match: { name: 'charles' } },
    { $project: { 
        modified: 1, 
        sync: 1,
        name: 1,
        eq: { $cond: [ { $gt: [ '$modified', '$sync' ] }, 1, 0 ] } 
    } },
    { $match: { eq: 1 } }
] );

With the input:

{ "_id" : ObjectId("520276459bf0f0f3a6e4589c"), "modified" : 73845345, "sync" : 73234 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5202764f9bf0f0f3a6e4589d"), "modified" : 4, "sync" : 4 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5202765b9bf0f0f3a6e4589e"), "modified" : 4, "sync" : 4, "name" : "charles" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5202765e9bf0f0f3a6e4589f"), "modified" : 4, "sync" : 45, "name" : "charles" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("520276949bf0f0f3a6e458a1"), "modified" : 46, "sync" : 45, "name" : "charles" }

This returns:

    "result" : [
            "_id" : ObjectId("520276949bf0f0f3a6e458a1"),
            "modified" : 46,
            "sync" : 45,
            "name" : "charles",
            "eq" : 1
    "ok" : 1

If you want any more fields, you need to add them in the $project.

like image 135
Derick Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 17:09
