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Compare tools to generate update script for SQL server [closed]

I would like to make the update of the web application as automated as possible.
I'm looking for a tool that can compare two instances of a database and generate an update script for me. As part of the build process create a instance of the last version of the database (ie currently in production) and compare that to what has been changed on the development version.

Any input is appreciated.

like image 973
HAXEN Avatar asked Oct 06 '08 21:10


People also ask

How do I compare two SQL scripts?

ApexSQL Compare offers integration for SSMS and Visual Studio, so you can right-click a SQL object in Object Explorer, select the Compare scripts in the right-click context menu, then Set as left/right, and the New comparison query window will be shown.

How do I compare Dacpac files?

To compare SQL databases using DacPacs, all we need to do is start SQL Compare, select the source and target script folders, and hit Compare now. After this we can pick and choose which changes we want to include in the synchronization script, just as we would do with any other compare task using SQL Compare.

2 Answers

I like SqlDbDiff. Way cheaper than RedGate's SQL Compare

like image 58
John Sheehan Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 15:10

John Sheehan

I answered the same question here.

Best of luck! As you will see, I like the Red-Gate tools.

like image 42
Pittsburgh DBA Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 16:10

Pittsburgh DBA