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Common Lisp function or idiom for creating a temporary file name?



Is there a Common Lisp function or typical way for creating a temporary file name or file?

like image 672
Donnie Cameron Avatar asked Sep 06 '09 05:09

Donnie Cameron

2 Answers

Update since a few years have passed. There are two systems that can open a temporary file not previously mentioned, cl-fad and UIOP. They are both in quicklisp, and UIOP is part of ASDF3, which comes with most CL implementations now.

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Liam Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 09:09


There is no function for that in common lisp. Allegro has make-temp-file-name, Emacs has make-temp-file, clisp has mkstemp.

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Martin v. Löwis Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 09:09

Martin v. Löwis