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Common Lisp function for "Reduce and Return Intermediate Results as Sequence"

In Clojure, there is a higher-order function reductions, which you would use with arguments similar to reduce and will return a sequence containing all intermediate results.

Is there an equivalent in Common Lisp? I was unable to find any reference to it online, including the various books/articles on https://common-lisp.net/tutorials/ but given Lisp's heritage as a family of List Processing languages I imagined a list->list function like reductions will exist across dialects.

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zehnpaard Avatar asked Jan 07 '23 01:01


1 Answers

There is no standard function for it. You could define one easily:

(defun reductions (function sequence &rest args
                   &key key from-end (start 0) end initial-value)
  (declare (ignore key from-end start end initial-value))
  "Return a list of intermediate values from reducing SEQUENCE with FUNCTION."
  (let* ((reductions (list))
         (result (apply #'reduce
                        (lambda (&rest arguments)
                          (let ((result (apply function arguments)))
                            (push result reductions)
    (values (or (nreverse reductions)
                (list result))

(reductions #'+ '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10) :initial-value 0)
;=> (1 3 6 10 15 21 28 36 45 55)

Edit: Use APPLY with &REST ARGS instead of calling REDUCE directly. Some implementation of REDUCE might not work if NILs are supplied for keyword arguments.

Edit2: The reducing function can be called with 0 or 2 arguments.

Edit3: When REDUCE is called with a list of only one element, the only element is returned as is. The reducing function is not called at all, which means the list of reductions would be empty. I added an OR to return the final result wrapped in a list in that situation (to match Clojures behaviour). I also changed the code to return the final result as a second return value (might be useful and "why not?").

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jkiiski Avatar answered Jan 30 '23 22:01
