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Common Lisp Exercises/Problems [closed]

I'm working through Practical Common Lisp presently


It's an excellent book with some practical assignments towards the end, but I'm looking for basic problems that explore the use of functions, variables and macros. Can anybody suggest a suitable resource to work through in order to reinforce the concepts presented?

like image 666
Jon Avatar asked Feb 10 '10 07:02


People also ask

How do you stop a Lisp from functioning?

To terminate the Lisp system, use the command ":exit" or call the function "(exit)."

How do you reverse a list on a Common Lisp?

In ANSI Common Lisp, you can reverse a list using the reverse function (nondestructive: allocates a new list), or nreverse (rearranges the building blocks or data of the existing list to produce the reversed one).

1 Answers

Project Euler is a great source of programming problems

also, there is Rosetta Code

like image 166
dsm Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 02:10
