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Commandline syntax to prevent wrapping in PowerShell output file?

The following command wraps the output to the width of the window from which the script was called. That is, the output file is "word"-wrapped. How can I prevent this wrapping in the output file w/o modifying the script?

PS C:\Users\User1> & '\\fileServer\c$\PowerShell Scripts\herScript.ps1' > output.txt
like image 319
lance Avatar asked Jan 23 '12 14:01


People also ask

How do I redirect output in PowerShell?

There are two PowerShell operators you can use to redirect output: > and >> . The > operator is equivalent to Out-File while >> is equivalent to Out-File -Append . The redirection operators have other uses like redirecting error or verbose output streams.

3 Answers

Try this (I can't test it)

& '\\fileServer\c$\PowerShell Scripts\herScript.ps1' | out-string -width 4096 | out-file c:\output.txt
like image 169
CB. Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 16:09


Instead of using >, which is out-file, you can use set-content

like image 32
manojlds Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 16:09


Use the Write-Host cmdlet as the last statement of your pipeline. Normal unadorned powershell output appears to look at the dimensions of the parent console window, and trims/wraps output lines to width-1. The Write-Host cmdlet bypasses this step and writes directly to stdout without any further munging.

Here's an example, which reads a JSON file, and writes javascript output which adds the JSON to a big string (preserving comments):

powershell -Command "$input | ForEach-Object { \"manifestBlob += \"\"\" + ($_ -replace \"\"\"\", \"\\\"\"\") + \"\n\"\";\" } | Write-Host" < manifest.json > buildmanifest.js

Here's a sample input file:

//  File: manifest.json
//  Description:
//      manifest for chrome plug-in

    "manifest_version": 2,

    "version": "0.0.0",

    // the ID is: sdfjkghsdfjkghjksdfghjkfhjkdfjff
    "key": "sdfjkhsdfjkghjksdfghkjsdhgsdjkgfhjklsdfhgjklsdfhgjklsdhfgkljsdfhgkljsdhklgjsdhfjklghsdfjklghsdjklfghjksdfhgjksdhfgjklhsdfjkl",

    "content_scripts": [ { "matches": ["http://*/*", "https://*/*"], "js": ["content.js"], "run_at": "document_start" } ],

    // this is the standard LOCAL install location - but if this extension is published to the app-store, this value gets overridden (that is okay and even good)
    "update_url": "file:///C:/Program%20Files/MyProduct/Update.xml",

And the output when using Write-Host:

manifestBlob += "\n";
manifestBlob += "//  File: manifest.json\n";
manifestBlob += "//\n";
manifestBlob += "//  Description:\n";
manifestBlob += "//      manifest for chrome plug-in\n";
manifestBlob += "\n";
manifestBlob += "{\n";
manifestBlob += "    \"manifest_version\": 2,\n";
manifestBlob += "\n";
manifestBlob += "    \"version\": \"0.0.0\",\n";
manifestBlob += "\n";
manifestBlob += "    // the ID is: sdfjkghsdfjkghjksdfghjkfhjkdfjff\n";
manifestBlob += "    \"key\": \"sdfjkhsdfjkghjksdfghkjsdhgsdjkgfhjklsdfhgjklsdfhgjklsdhfgkljsdfhgkljsdhklgjsdhfjklghsdfjklghsdjklfghjksdfhgjksdhfgjklhsdfjkl\",\n";
manifestBlob += "\n";
manifestBlob += "    \"content_scripts\": [ { \"matches\": [\"http://*/*\", \"https://*/*\"], \"js\": [\"content.js\"], \"run_at\": \"document_start\" } ],\n";
manifestBlob += "\n";
manifestBlob += "    // this is the standard LOCAL install location - but if this extension is published to the app-store, this value gets overridden (that is okay and even good)\n";
manifestBlob += "    \"update_url\": \"file:///C:/Program%20Files/MyProduct/Update.xml\",\n";
manifestBlob += "}\n";

And finally, an example of the terrible things which happen if you leave out the Write-Host cmdlet (assuming a console width of 60):

manifestBlob += "\n";
manifestBlob += "//  File: manifest.json\n";
manifestBlob += "//\n";
manifestBlob += "//  Description:\n";
manifestBlob += "//      manifest for chrome plug-in\n";
manifestBlob += "\n";
manifestBlob += "{\n";
manifestBlob += "    \"manifest_version\": 2,\n";
manifestBlob += "\n";
manifestBlob += "    \"version\": \"0.0.0\",\n";
manifestBlob += "\n";
manifestBlob += "    // the ID is: sdfjkghsdfjkghjksdfghjkf
manifestBlob += "    \"key\": \"sdfjkhsdfjkghjksdfghkjsdhgs
manifestBlob += "\n";
manifestBlob += "    \"content_scripts\": [ { \"matches\": 
[\"http://*/*\", \"https://*/*\"], \"js\": [\"content.js\"]
, \"run_at\": \"document_start\" } ],\n";
manifestBlob += "\n";
manifestBlob += "    // this is the standard LOCAL install 
location - but if this extension is published to the app-st
ore, this value gets overridden (that is okay and even good
manifestBlob += "    \"update_url\": \"file:///C:/Program%2
manifestBlob += "}\n";
like image 2
William Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 16:09
