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Command Explanation [duplicate]





Possible Duplicate:
How does the vim “write with sudo” trick work?

Many times I have found myself in a condition where I end up editing file in vi editor for which I don't have permission. So then we have to copy the content in some other file and copy it back to original file by changing the permissions. But I have found one solution through searching web that we can give command :w !sudo tee % and there is no need for copying back and forth. Can anybody explain how this is working !!

like image 988
niting112 Avatar asked Jan 18 '23 14:01


1 Answers

Let's see...

:w !{cmd}

executes {cmd}, feeding the current buffer into its standard input.

Here, {cmd} is sudo tee %. This executes tee {filename} as root, where {filename} is the name of the file you're editing. The command writes its standard input (i.e. the contents of the vim buffer) into the file, as root.

Neat trick, BTW.

like image 179
NPE Avatar answered Jan 25 '23 05:01