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Combine two Json files exported from wordpress

I have two Json files that I exported from wordpress that have corresponding ID's I want to combine them into one Json file so I can bring it into website I am building with Gatsby JS. One of the files is the posts.json and the other is postsMeta.json. The post_id in postsMeta corresponds with the ID in Posts

How would I best go about merging the two? Can I run some sort of for loop in js and how would I so? I am on windows is there a json explorer of some sorts that could help me do this.

lastly I would also like to trim out some of the unnecasry fiels such as post_parent in the posts json and something like the meta_key in the postsMeta json.

Ok hopefully this is clear enough, thanks in advance.

Here is an example of the first object corresponding pairs in the two files


{"ID":"19","post_author":"2","post_date":"2010-12-31 23:02:04","post_date_gmt":"2010-12-31 23:02:04","post_content":"Harry Potter was not available for the first sitting of the Halloween Picture. I hope everyone had a safe and fun Halloween. Tomorrow is picture retake day, please send back your previous prints if you want retakes. It is also hot lunch. See You tomorrow!","post_title":"Happy Halloween","post_excerpt":"","post_status":"publish","comment_status":"open","ping_status":"open","post_password":"","post_name":"happy-halloween","to_ping":"","pinged":"","post_modified":"2011-01-03 05:26:11","post_modified_gmt":"2011-01-03 05:26:11","post_content_filtered":"","post_parent":"0","guid":"http:\/\/localhost\/mrskitson.ca_wordpress\/?p=19","menu_order":"0","post_type":"post","post_mime_type":"","comment_count":"1"},




this is an attempt to solve this problem with the current answer, you can edit the code there.

like image 298
Anders Kitson Avatar asked Apr 28 '18 22:04

Anders Kitson

1 Answers

How would I best go about merging the two?

Is it mandatory for you combine the two JSON files/data?

Because you could just require or load the JSON data from within your script (or even put them in the HTML) and then to get the meta value of a specific meta field/key, this function could do that:

// `single` has no effect if `meta_key` is empty.
function getPostMeta( post_id, meta_key, single ) {
    let id = String( post_id ),
        pm = [];
    postsMeta.map( m => {
        let a = ( ! meta_key ) ||
            ( meta_key === m.meta_key );

        if ( a && id === m.post_id ) {
            pm.push( m );

    let meta = {},
        mk = {};
    pm.map( m => {
        let k = m.meta_key, v;

        if ( undefined === meta[ k ] ) {
            meta[ k ] = m.meta_value;
        } else {
            v = meta[ k ];
            if ( undefined === mk[ k ] ) {
                meta[ k ] = [ v ];
                mk[ k ] = 1;

            meta[ k ].push( m.meta_value );
            m[ k ]++;

    pm = null;
    mk = meta_key ? mk[ meta_key ] : null;

    if ( mk ) {
        return single ?
            meta[ meta_key ][0] : // Returns a single meta value.
            meta[ meta_key ];     // Returns all the meta values.

    return meta_key ?
        meta[ meta_key ] : // Returns the value of the `meta_key`.
        meta;              // Or returns all the post's meta data.

The data I used for testing: (take note of the postsMeta in the above/getPostMeta() function)

// Array of `post` objects.
const posts = [{"ID":"19","post_author":"2","post_date":"2010-12-31 23:02:04","post_date_gmt":"2010-12-31 23:02:04","post_content":"Harry Potter was not available for the first sitting of the Halloween Picture. I hope everyone had a safe and fun Halloween. Tomorrow is picture retake day, please send back your previous prints if you want retakes. It is also hot lunch. See You tomorrow!","post_title":"Happy Halloween","post_excerpt":"","post_status":"publish","comment_status":"open","ping_status":"open","post_password":"","post_name":"happy-halloween","to_ping":"","pinged":"","post_modified":"2011-01-03 05:26:11","post_modified_gmt":"2011-01-03 05:26:11","post_content_filtered":"","post_parent":"0","guid":"http:\/\/localhost\/mrskitson.ca_wordpress\/?p=19","menu_order":"0","post_type":"post","post_mime_type":"","comment_count":"1"}];

// Array of `meta` objects.
const postsMeta = [{"meta_id":"27","post_id":"19","meta_key":"large_preview","meta_value":"http:\/\/www.mrskitson.ca\/wp-content\/uploads\/2010\/12\/halloween.jpg"},{"meta_id":"28","post_id":"19","meta_key":"many_values","meta_value":"http:\/\/facebook.com"},{"meta_id":"29","post_id":"19","meta_key":"many_values","meta_value":"http:\/\/twitter.com"},{"meta_id":"30","post_id":"19","meta_key":"many_values","meta_value":"http:\/\/linkedin.com"}];

Examples: (see this Fiddle for demo)

// In these examples, we are retrieving the meta value for the post #19 (i.e. ID is 19).

// Retrieve a single value.
// Returns mixed; string, number, etc.
let url = getPostMeta( 19, 'large_preview', true );
console.log( url );

// Retrieve all meta values.
// Always returns an array of values.
let ms = getPostMeta( 19, 'many_values' );
console.log( ms, ms[0] );

// Retrieve all meta data.
// Always returns an object with meta_key => meta_value pairs. I.e. { key => value, ... }
let ma = getPostMeta( 19 );
console.log( ma, ma.large_preview, ma.many_values[0] );

But if you really must combine the JSON data, you can do: (again, see demo on the same Fiddle)

// Here we modify the original `posts` object.
posts.map( p => {
    // Add all the post's meta data.
    p.meta = getPostMeta( p.ID );

    // Delete items you don't want..
    delete p.post_parent;
    delete p.menu_order;
    // delete ...;

console.log( JSON.stringify( posts[0].meta ) ); // posts[0].meta = object
console.log( posts[0].post_parent, posts[0].menu_order ); // both are undefined

And then if you want to copy-paste the new/merged JSON data:

JSON.stringify( posts );

But if you actually just want to do something with the post's meta, you can loop through the posts object and do the thing; e.g.:

// Here the original `posts` object is not modified, and that we don't
// (though you can) repeatedly call `getPostMeta()` for the same post.
posts.map( p => {
    // Get all the post's meta data.
    let meta = getPostMeta( p.ID );

    // Do something with `meta`.
    console.log( meta.large_preview );

console.log( JSON.stringify( posts[0].meta ) ); // posts[0].meta = undefined
console.log( posts[0].post_parent, posts[0].menu_order ); // both still defined

// posts[0].meta wouldn't be undefined if of course posts[0] had a `meta` item,
// which was set in/via WordPress...
like image 155
Sally CJ Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 14:11

Sally CJ