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Combine call-by-name colon operator and space incoherency [duplicate]



Here is the following problem. When I run the following:

object  Test {
  def /:(s: => Unit) = {

println("A") /: Test

It prints:


However, I was expecting it to print:


since the last expression was supposedly rewritten Test./:(println("A")) - which by the way, gives the second value.

Does anybody know a way to make the first syntax work, e.g. println("A") /: Test but with call-by-name ?


Using the desugar method, I found out that the calls are desugared differently.

> desugar { println("A") /: Test}
 val x$1: Unit = println("A");

Hence I am still wondering why this choice.

like image 433
Mikaël Mayer Avatar asked Apr 06 '17 12:04

Mikaël Mayer

1 Answers

It is a known issue. If you compile with -Xlint option you should see a warning.

$ scalac -Xlint temp.scala
temp.scala:2: warning: by-name parameters will be evaluated eagerly when called 
              as a right-associative infix operator. For more details, see SI-1980.
    def /:(s: => Unit) = {
one warning found
like image 88
Chetan Kumar Meena Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 08:11

Chetan Kumar Meena