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Combine 2 string columns in pandas with different conditions in both columns

I have 2 columns in pandas, with data that looks like this.

code fx         category
AXD  AXDG.R     cat1
AXF  AXDG_e.FE  cat1 
333  333.R      cat1

There are other categories but I am only interested in cat1.

I want to combine everything from the code column, and everything after the . in the fx column and replace the code column with the new combination without affecting the other rows.

code    fx         category
AXD.R   AXDG.R     cat1
AXF.FE  AXDG_e.FE  cat1
333.R   333.R      cat1

Here is my code, I think I have to use regex but I'm not sure how to combine it in this way.

df.loc[df['category']== 'cat1', 'code'] = df[df['category'] == 'cat1']['code'].str.replace(r'[a-z](?=\.)', '', regex=True).str.replace(r'_?(?=\.)','', regex=True).str.replace(r'G(?=\.)', '', regex=True)

I'm not sure how to select the second column also. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

like image 700
anarchy Avatar asked Dec 19 '21 17:12


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3 Answers

There are other categories but I am only interested in cat1

You can use str.split with series.where to add the extention for cat1:

df['code'] = (df['code'].astype(str).add("."+df['fx'].str.split(".").str[-1])


     code         fx category
0   AXD.R     AXDG.R     cat1
1  AXF.FE  AXDG_e.FE     cat1
2   333.R      333.R     cat1
like image 82
anky Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 01:09


You can extract the part of fx and append it to code:

df['code'] += df['fx'].str.extract('(\..*$)')[0]


     code         fx category
0   AXD.R     AXDG.R     cat1
1  AXF.FE  AXDG_e.FE     cat1
2   333.R      333.R     cat1

to limit to cat1 only:

df.loc[df['category'].eq('cat1'), 'code'] += df['fx'].str.extract('(\..*$)')[0]
like image 39
mozway Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 03:09


You can use Series.str.extract:

df['code'] = df['code'].astype(str) + np.where(df['category'].eq('cat1'), df['fx'].astype(str).str.extract('(\..+)')[0], '')


>>> df
     code         fx category
0   AXD.R     AXDG.R     cat1
1  AXF.FE  AXDG_e.FE     cat1
2   333.R      333.R     cat1
like image 40
richardec Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 03:09
