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com.apple.AuthenticationServices.Authorization Error Code 1000

I receive the following error in DidCompleteWitherror:

com.apple.AuthenticationServices.Authorization Error Code 1000 

I'm using the following code to sign in to Apple

var appleIdProvider = new ASAuthorizationAppleIdProvider(); var request = appleIdProvider.CreateRequest(); request.RequestedScopes = new ASAuthorizationScope[] { ASAuthorizationScope.Email, ASAuthorizationScope.FullName }; var authController = new ASAuthorizationController(new[] { request }); authController.Delegate = this; authController.PresentationContextProvider = this; authController.PerformRequests(); ... [Export("authorizationController:didCompleteWithAuthorization:")] public void DidComplete(ASAuthorizationController controller, ASAuthorization authorization) { ... }  [Export("authorizationController:didCompleteWithError:")] public void DidComplete(ASAuthorizationController controller, NSError error) { ... } 
  • I checked Apple Sign-in in the Entitlements.plist
  • I created app id in the management console, verified my domain. Even web auth works already.
  • I tried to switch provisioning profile to one with apple sign in.

What could be the reason of this error?

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Access Denied Avatar asked Dec 13 '19 11:12

Access Denied

People also ask

What does a 1000 error code mean?

As you can check in the Apple Documentation, the 1000 error code really means that the error is unknown, so this solution may not work for you. In terms of your code, it seems alright to me! You can also check these samples!

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When an Apple ID needs to be required Two-Factor Authorization, then we can request this provider ASAuthorizationPasswordProvider, we have to delete the code. After you remove the line code, all run work. It sounds like you discovered an issue that users may face too unless you're somehow confident this is only a sim issue?

Is a verification step from Apple required for provisioning profiles?

A verification step from Apple is not required, despite the misleading documentation on their side. Could you try to run a new build and make sure to create a new provisioning profile with updated capabilities inside? Make sure the "Apple Sign-in" entitlement is added to your build settings, and in your Apple certs from the developer portal.

2 Answers

After searching I found that it works on a real device and SOMETIMES doesn’t work on the simulator.

But I solved it by logging in here and removing the simulator under Devices. Then building it again. Don't forget to add “Sign in with Apple” in “Signing & Capabilities”.

like image 188
Heartless Vayne Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 20:10

Heartless Vayne

I got this error because forget to add sign in capability.


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Vladislav Zaynchkovsky Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 21:10

Vladislav Zaynchkovsky