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Column to comma separated value in Hive




It's been asked and answered for SQL (Convert multiple rows into one with comma as separator), would any of the approaches mentioned work in Hive, e.g. to go from this:

| Col1 | Col2 |
| a    | 1    |
| a    | 5    |
| a    | 6    |
| b    | 2    |
| b    | 6    |

to this:

| Col1 | Col2  |
| a    | 1,5,6 |
| b    | 2,6   |
like image 409
glp Avatar asked Mar 28 '14 06:03


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3 Answers

The aggregator function collect_set can achieve what you are trying to get. Here is the documentation. So you can write a query like:

SELECT Col1, collect_set(Col2)
FROM your_table

However, there is one striking difference between MySQL's GROUP BY and Hive's collect_set that while GROUP_CONCAT also retains duplicates in the resulting array, collect_set removes the duplicates occuring in the array. In the example shown by you there are no repeating group values for Col2 so you can go ahead and use it.

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Neels Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 16:11


And there is collect_list that will take full list (with duplicates).

like image 45
Simon U Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 18:11

Simon U

Try this

SELECT Col1, concat_ws(',', collect_set(Col2)) as col2
FROM your_table

apache.org documentation

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ASD Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 17:11