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Column-specific context menu for Primefaces DataTable

How can I define context menu for each column differently in Primefaces datatable? Putting <p:contextMenu> inside <p:column> does not work properly. I want context menu to be different depending on which column user right-clicked in.

This does not work (context menu is created the same for all columns):

<p:dataTable value="#{values}" var="value" selectionMode="single" selection="#{selectedValue}" id="table">
    <p:column headerText="Col 1">
        <h:outputText value="#{value.balance}">
            <f:convertNumber type="currency"></f:convertNumber>
            <p:menuitem value="Report"></p:menuitem>
            <p:menuitem value="Change"></p:menuitem>
    <p:column headerText="col 2" >
        <h:outputText value="#{value.balance2}">
            <f:convertNumber type="currency"></f:convertNumber>
        <p:menuitem value="Something else"></p:menuitem>

How to add column-specific context menu in Primefaces dataTable either by using PF components, extending PF components, or adding custom JavaScript?

like image 550
rootkit Avatar asked Jan 31 '13 20:01


2 Answers

Have you tried(I have just tested with Primefaces 3.5): ContextMenu can be attached to any JSF component, each of rows in primefaces datatable has private and dynamic id(ex: :carList:0:test1 :carList:1:test1 ...), so I think you should use contextMenu inside column:

                 <p:column headerText="Model">  
                    <p:panel id="test1">
                        <h:outputText value="#{carr.model}" />
                        <p:contextMenu for="test1" widgetVar="cMenu">
                            <p:menuitem value="Edit Cell" icon="ui-icon-search"
                                        onclick="product.showCellEditor();return false;" />
                            <p:menuitem value="Hide Menu" icon="ui-icon-close"
                                        onclick="cMenu.hide()" />
                <p:column headerText="MANUFAC" style="width:20%">  
                    <p:panel id="test2">
                        <h:outputText value="#{carr.manufacturer}" />
                        <p:contextMenu for="test2" widgetVar="cMenu2">
                            <p:menuitem value="Edit Cell" icon="ui-icon-search"
                                        onclick="product.showCellEditor();return false;" />
                            <p:menuitem value="Hide Menu" icon="ui-icon-close"
                                        onclick="cMenu2.hide()" />
                            <p:menuitem value="Hide Menu" icon="ui-icon-close"
                                        onclick="cMenu2.hide()" />

If you want to specify row:

<p:column headerText="Model" style="width:30%">  
                    <p:panel id="test1">
                        <h:outputText value="#{carr.model}" />
                        <p:contextMenu rendered="#{carr.model eq 'SENT'}" for="test1" widgetVar="cMenu">
                            <p:menuitem value="Edit Cell" icon="ui-icon-search"
                                        onclick="product.showCellEditor();return false;" />
                            <p:menuitem value="Hide Menu" icon="ui-icon-close"
                                        onclick="cMenu.hide()" />
                        <p:contextMenu rendered="#{carr.model eq 'WAITING'}" for="test1" widgetVar="cMenu3">

                            <p:menuitem value="Hide Menu" icon="ui-icon-close"
                                        onclick="cMenu3.hide()" />
like image 120
Rong Nguyen Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 23:10

Rong Nguyen

an alternative way is to use the p:menuButton instead. the p:menuButton can be changed to look like a p:contextMenu it's all about styleClass.

  1. create custom styleclass to change the down arrow

    .contextButton .ui-state-default .ui-icon{
  2. create custom styleclass to hide the button border and background

    .contextButton .ui-button { border: none; background: none; }

    .contextButton .ui-button.ui-state-hover, .ui-button.ui-state-focus, .ui-button.ui-state-active { border: none; background: none; }

  3. use the custom styleClass in the p:menuButton

    <p:menuButton value="" styleClass="contextButton">

you may refer here for working example

like image 45
kian Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 23:10
