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color texts at expect shell

As the title, is there any way to use color texts at expect shell? Like the shell script echo command below.

echo -e "\033[32m Hello World"
like image 815
jaeyong Avatar asked Oct 14 '12 05:10


People also ask

How do you color text in terminal?

A script can use escape sequences to produce colored text on the terminal. Colors for text are represented by color codes, including, reset = 0, black = 30, red = 31, green = 32, yellow = 33, blue = 34, magenta = 35, cyan = 36, and white = 37.

How do you color text in bash?

The escape sequence for specifying color codes is \e[COLORm (COLOR represents our color code in this case). By default, echo does not support escape sequences. We need to add the -e option to enable their interpretation. The \e[0m means we use the special code 0 to reset text color back to normal.

How do I change the color of my bash output?

For example, if you wanted to print green text, you could do the following: #!/bin/bash # Set the color variable green='\033[0;32m' # Clear the color after that clear='\033[0m' printf "The script was executed ${green}successfully${clear}!"

1 Answers

I have been suffering the answer to this question for quite some time, and now I think I've finally got an answer.

How it works is to use 033 to send the < ESC> character and then [ to send ANSI escape codes separated by semicolons, however as [ is a special character it also needs to be escaped with a backslash. You can then proceed to send ANSI sequences and delimit with an m.

Example ANSI break sequences

  • 0 Reset / Normal all attributes off

  • 1 Bold or increased intensity

  • 4 Underline: Single

  • 30 Set text color Black

  • 31 Set text color Red

  • 32 Set text color Green

Full list can be found here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code


puts "\033\[01;31m" # This will turn text red
puts "~~~This text is red and bold\n" 
puts "\033\[0;32m" # This will turn text green
puts "This text is green and bold switched off\n"

However it doesn't seem to work with the -nonewline option, which is a tad annoying. However the send_user command seems to handle things a lot better and under control a lot better:

send_user "\033\[01;31mRed bold \033\[0;32mGreen again"

You can even combine this with variables to make the output more readable:

set green "\033\[0;32;40m"
set red "\033\[1;31m"
send_user "${red}Red bold ${green}Green again"
like image 110
fileinsert Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 07:09
