i always got the message "Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" and "Latin1_General_CI_AI" in the equal to operation." when i run the script that came from MSSQL 2005 server. btw i used MSSQL 2008.
here is the script
USE [database1]
--exec rsp_SOA '', '', '', '', '', '', '40050000', '40050000', '05/01/2010', '05/31/2010', '000-00','Dont Show Note'
ALTER procedure [dbo].[rsp_SOA]
@cCompName VARCHAR(100) ,
@cAddress1 VARCHAR(200) ,
@cAddress2 VARCHAR(200),
@cReportTitle VARCHAR(200),
@cCriteria1 VARCHAR(200),
@cCriteria VARCHAR(200),
@cFrom VARCHAR(25),
@cTo VARCHAR(25),
@dDateFrom VARCHAR(10),
@dDateTo VARCHAR(10),
@cCompID VARCHAR(10),
@cFilter VARCHAR(30)
declare @cSQL VARCHAR(200),
@cSQL1 VARCHAR(200),
@cmd VARCHAR(8000),
@cmd1 VARCHAR(8000),
@cTempTable varchar (50),
@cTempTable1 varchar (50),
@nInterval VARCHAR(3),
@nCurrent INTEGER,
@nInterval1 varchar(3),
@nInterval2 varchar(3),
@nInterval3 varchar(3),
@nInterval4 varchar(3),
@nInterval5 varchar(3),
@cValue1 VARCHAR(100),
@cValue2 VARCHAR(100),
@cValue3 VARCHAR(100),
@cValue4 VARCHAR(100),
@cValue5 VARCHAR(100)
set @nInterval = 30
set @nInterval1 = cast(@nInterval * 1 as varchar(3))
set @nInterval2 = cast(@nInterval * 2 as varchar(3))
set @nInterval3 = cast(@nInterval * 3 as varchar(3))
set @nInterval4 = cast(@nInterval * 4 as varchar(3))
set @nInterval5 = cast(@nInterval * 5 as varchar(3))
SET @cValue1 = CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),1,110) + ' - ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),@nInterval1,110) + ' Days'
SET @cValue2 = CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),@nInterval1 + 1,110) + ' - ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),@nInterval2,110) + ' Days'
SET @cValue3 = CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),@nInterval2 + 1,110) + ' - ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),@nInterval3,110) + ' Days'
SET @cValue4 = CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),@nInterval3 + 1,110) + ' - ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),@nInterval4,110) + ' Days'
SET @cValue5 = 'Above ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),@nInterval4,110) + ' Days'
create table ##Interval
cCompID varchar(20),
nOrder int,
cInterval varchar(20),
cCode varchar(20)
--get all the clients
select cCode from client_customer where cCode = @cFrom union all
select cGroupCode from client_customer where cCode = @cFrom union all
select cBillingCompany from client_customer where cCode = @cFrom union all
select cArea from client_customer where cCode = @cFrom
--determining the balance of the invoices
select a.cCompanyID, a.cInvNo, sum(a.nGross) as nSales, 0 as nPaid, 0 as nDebit, 0 as nCredit, 0 as nReturns
from sales a
where a.lCancelled = 0 and a.cPayType<>'Cash'
and a.cCode in (select * FROM ##temp1) --get all the clients
and a.cCompanyID = @cCompID
group by a.cCompanyID, a.cInvNo
union all
select a.cCompanyID, a.cInvNo, 0 as nSales, sum(a.nApplied) as nPaid, 0 as nDebit, 0 as nCredit, 0 as nReturns
from pr_t a
left outer join pr b on a.cTranNo = b.cTranNo and a.cCompanyID = b.cCompanyID
left outer join sales c on a.cInvNo = c.cInvNo and a.cCompanyID = c.cCompanyID
where b.lCancelled = 0
and c.cCode in (select * FROM ##temp1) --get all the clients
and a.cCompanyID = @cCompID
group by a.cCompanyID, a.cInvNo
union all
select a.cCompanyID, a.cInvNo, 0 as nSales, 0 as nPaid, sum(a.nDebit) as nDebit, 0 as nCredit, 0 as nReturns
from ar_t a
left outer join ar b on a.cTranNo = b.cTranNo and a.cCompanyID = b.cCompanyID
where b.cType = 'Debit' and b.lCancelled = 0 and b.lApproved = 1
and b.cCode in (select * FROM ##temp1) --get all the clients
and a.cCompanyID = @cCompID
group by a.cCompanyID, a.cInvNo
union all
select a.cCompanyID, a.cInvNo, 0 as nSales, 0 as nPaid, 0 as nDebit, sum(a.nCredit) as nCredit, 0 as nReturns
from ar_t a
left outer join ar b on a.cTranNo = b.cTranNo and a.cCompanyID = b.cCompanyID
where b.cType = 'Credit' and b.lSalesReturn = 0 and b.lCancelled = 0 and b.lApproved = 1
and b.cCode in (select * FROM ##temp1) --get all the clients
and a.cCompanyID = @cCompID
group by a.cCompanyID, a.cInvNo
union all
select a.cCompanyID, a.cInvNo,
0 as nSales, 0 as nPaid, 0 as nDebit, 0 as nCredit, sum(a.nCredit) as nReturns
from ar_t a
left outer join ar b on a.cTranNo = b.cTranNo and a.cCompanyID = b.cCompanyID
where b.cType = 'Credit' and b.lSalesReturn = 1 and b.lCancelled = 0 and b.lApproved = 1
and b.cCode in (select * FROM ##temp1) --get all the clients
and a.cCompanyID = @cCompID
group by a.cCompanyID, a.cInvNo
--main script for creating the temp ##AR
select a.*, b.cRefNo, b.dRefDate, b.nBeg, b.nEnd, b.nConsumed, b.nConsumedKG, b.nPrice, b.nAmount, b.nVat, b.nWHT, b.nNet,
case when a.nDue <=0 then 'Current'
when a.nDue > 0 and a.nDue <= @nInterval1 then @cValue1
when a.nDue > @nInterval1 and a.nDue <= @nInterval2 then @cValue2
when a.nDue > @nInterval2 and a.nDue <= @nInterval3 then @cValue3
when a.nDue > @nInterval3 and a.nDue <= @nInterval4 then @cValue4
when a.nDue > @nInterval4 then @cValue5
end as cInterval,b.cTenantName into ##AR
select a.cCompanyID, b.cCode, a.cInvNo, (isnull(sum(a.nSales), 0) - isnull(sum(a.nPaid), 0) + isnull(sum(a.nDebit), 0) - isnull(sum(a.nCredit), 0) - isnull(sum(a.nReturns), 0)) as nBalance,
b.dDate, b.cSMan, b.nGross, b.cTerm, c.cValue, (cast((cast(convert(varchar(20),getdate(),101) as datetime) - b.dDate) as integer) - cast(c.cValue as integer)) as nDue, dateadd(d,cast(c.cValue as integer),b.dDate) as dDueDate
select * FROM ##temp2 --determining the balance of the invoices
) a
left outer join sales b on a.cInvNo = b.cInvNo and a.cCompanyID = b.cCompanyID
left outer join parameter_user c on b.cTerm = c.cParamName and c.cType = 'TERMS'
where b.cCode in (select * FROM ##temp1) --get all the clients
and a.cCompanyID = @cCompID
group by a.cCompanyID, b.cCode, a.cInvNo, b.dDate, b.cSMan, b.nGross, b.cTerm, c.cValue
having (isnull(sum(a.nSales), 0) - isnull(sum(a.nPaid), 0) + isnull(sum(a.nDebit), 0) - isnull(sum(a.nCredit), 0) - isnull(sum(a.nReturns), 0)) > 0
left outer join
select a.cCompanyID, a.cInvNo, b.cRefNo, d.dDate as dRefDate,
case when a.cType = 'Meter' then b.nMeterIn
when a.cType = 'Weight' then b.nWeightOut
else 0 end as nBeg,
case when a.cType = 'Meter' then b.nMeterOut
when a.cType = 'Weight' then b.nWeightIn
else 0 end as nEnd, b.nConsumed,
case when a.cType = 'Meter' then b.nConsumedKG
when a.cType = 'Weight' then (b.nWeightOut - b.nWeightIn)
else 0 end as nConsumedKG, b.nPrice, (b.nAmount / 1.12) as nAmount,
(b.nAmount - (b.nAmount / 1.12)) as nVat,
(CASE WHEN e.lEWT=1 THEN ((b.nAmount / 1.12) * e.nEWT/100) ELSE 0 END ) as nWHT, b.nAmount as nNet,f.cTenantName
from sales a left outer join sales_t b on a.cInvNo = b.cInvNo and a.cCompanyID = b.cCompanyID
left outer join item c on b.cItemNo = c.cItemNo and a.cCompanyID = c.cCompanyID
left outer join dr d on d.cDRNo = b.cRefNo
left outer JOIN CLIENT_CUSTOMER e ON a.cCode = e.cCode
left outer JOIN METER_READING_T f ON b.cMRNo = f.cTransNo AND b.nMeterIn = f.nMeterIn
where c.cType <> 'CYLINDER' and a.cType <> 'Invoice' and a.cCode in (select * FROM ##temp1) --get all the clients
and a.cCompanyID = @cCompID
union all
select a.cCompanyID, a.cInvNo, d.cDRNo as cRefNo, d.dDate as dRefDate, 0 as nBeg,
0 as nEnd, b.nConsumed, 0 as nConsumedKG, b.nPrice, b.nAmount, 0 as nVat, 0 as nWHT, 0 as nNet,'' as cTenantName
from sales a left outer join sales_t b on a.cInvNo = b.cInvNo and a.cCompanyID = b.cCompanyID
left outer join item c on b.cItemNo = c.cItemNo and a.cCompanyID = c.cCompanyID
left outer join dr d on a.cInvNo = d.cInvNo
where c.cType <> 'CYLINDER' and a.cType = 'Invoice' and d.cDRNo is null and a.cCode in (select * FROM ##temp1) --get all the clients
and a.cCompanyID = @cCompID
)b on a.cInvNo = b.cInvNo and a.cCompanyID = b.cCompanyID
--main script for creating the temp ##Interval
insert into ##Interval
select distinct @cCompID, 1, 'Above 120 Days', cCode from ##AR
insert into ##Interval
select distinct @cCompID, 2, '91 - 120 Days', cCode from ##AR
insert into ##Interval
select distinct @cCompID, 3, '61 - 90 Days', cCode from ##AR
insert into ##Interval
select distinct @cCompID, 4, '31 - 60 Days', cCode from ##AR
insert into ##Interval
select distinct @cCompID, 5, '1 - 30 Days', cCode from ##AR
insert into ##Interval
select distinct @cCompID, 6, 'Current', cCode from ##AR
--displaying the result
select a.nOrder, a.cInterval, a.cCode, c.cName, (c.cFirstName + ' ' + case when isnull(c.cMiddleInitial,'')='' then '' else c.cMiddleInitial + ' ' end + c.cLastName) as cCustomerName, (case when isnull(c.cBusinessName,'')='' then c.cName else c.cBusinessName end) as cBusinessName,
c.cAddress, c.cLastName, c.cJobTitle, d.cCompanyName, d.cAddress1, d.cAddress2, d.cPhone, d.cfax, d.cEmail, c.cTerm, b.cInvNo, b.nBalance, b.dDate, b.nGross, b.cRefNo, b.dRefDate, b.nBeg, b.nEnd, b.nConsumed, b.nCOnsumedKG,
b.nPrice, b.nAmount, b.nVat, b.nWHT, b.nNet, isnull(e.nTotalPDC,0) as nTotalPDC, f.nTotalAR, f.nTotalPastDue, c.nLimit, @dDateFrom as dStartDate, @dDateTo as dEndDate,--g.cTenantName,
b.cTenantName,(CASE WHEN @cFilter = 'Show Note' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS lNote
from ##Interval a
left outer join ##AR b on a.cInterval = b.cInterval and a.cCode = b.cCode
left outer join client_customer c on a.cCode = c.cCode
left outer join company d on a.cCompID = d.cCompanyID
left outer join
select a.cCode, sum(a.nAmount) as nTotalPDC
from checks a
where a.lDeposited=0 and a.cTransType = 'COL' and a.cCode = @cFrom and a.cCompanyID = @cCompID
group by a.cCode
)e on a.cCode=e.cCode
left outer join
--select a.cCode, sum(a.nBalance) as nTotalAR, sum(case when a.cInterval <> 'Current' then isnull(a.nBalance,0) else 0 end) as nTotalPastDue
--from ##AR a
--group by a.cCode
SELECT a.cCode,SUM(nTotalAR) AS nTotalAR,SUM(nTotalPastDue) AS nTotalPastDue
(select distinct a.cCode, (a.nBalance) as nTotalAR,
(case when a.cInterval <> 'Current' then isnull(a.nBalance,0) else 0 end) as nTotalPastDue
from ##AR a) a
GROUP BY a.cCode
)f on a.cCode=f.cCode
order by a.nOrder, a.cCode
drop table ##temp1
drop table ##temp2
drop table ##Interval
drop table ##AR
select * from ##temp1
select * from ##temp2
select * from ##Interval
select * from ##AR
the sql server always pointing the error to this line
--displaying the result
select a.nOrder, a.cInterval, a.cCode, c.cName, (c.cFirstName + ' ' + case when isnull(c.cMiddleInitial,'')='' then '' else c.cMiddleInitial + ' ' end + c.cLastName) as cCustomerName, (case when isnull(c.cBusinessName,'')='' then c.cName else c.cBusinessName end) as cBusinessName,
c.cAddress, c.cLastName, c.cJobTitle, d.cCompanyName, d.cAddress1, d.cAddress2, d.cPhone, d.cfax, d.cEmail, c.cTerm, b.cInvNo, b.nBalance, b.dDate, b.nGross, b.cRefNo, b.dRefDate, b.nBeg, b.nEnd, b.nConsumed, b.nCOnsumedKG,
b.nPrice, b.nAmount, b.nVat, b.nWHT, b.nNet, isnull(e.nTotalPDC,0) as nTotalPDC, f.nTotalAR, f.nTotalPastDue, c.nLimit, @dDateFrom as dStartDate, @dDateTo as dEndDate,--g.cTenantName,
b.cTenantName,(CASE WHEN @cFilter = 'Show Note' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS lNote
In Microsoft SQL Server, the collation can be set at the column level. When you compare (or concatenate) two columns having different collation in a query, this error occurs: Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" and "French_CI_AS" in the equal to operation. —
Performance there is no impact other than the speed difference between the different collations.
The collate clause is used for case sensitive and case insensitive searches in the columns of the SQL server. There are two types of collate clause present: SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS for case sensitive. SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS for case insensitive.
Collation is a set of rules that tell database engine how to compare and sort the character data in SQL Server. Collation can be set at different levels in SQL Server.
When you compare/aggregate columns with different collations you must coherence at least one of them to the collation you want, using the COLLATE
expression. Eg, say you have a column c1
with collation Latin1_General_CI_AI
in table Table1
and a column c2
with collation SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
in table Table2
and you want to union the two:
FROM Table1
FROM Table2;
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