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Codeigniter. Implementing oAuth



I am looking to create an API using CodeIgniter and oAuth. I found what looks like a great extension to CI here:


I looks promising but I have no clue how to implement it. There is no instructions anywhere.

Any input is welcome!

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Jonathan Clark Avatar asked Aug 10 '11 21:08

Jonathan Clark

1 Answers

I am not familiar with this library myself, but just had a look and it looks like you just want to download the library and copy all of the folders in the downloadable zip into your Codeigniter application directory. If you look in the controllers folder of the downloaded zip file, you'll see 2 controllers which show how the library is being used.

The two files are oauth.php and signin.php. They appear to show how you can login in a user via oAuth. Just carefully go through the files and you'll work it out.

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Dwayne Charrington Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 18:10

Dwayne Charrington