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Adding disabled option in codeigniter form_dropdown

I'm trying to figure out how to add a disabled option in my dropdown, using codeIgniter. New to CI, and I've tried googling it a bit, but couldn't find an answer.

My code for a dropdown looks like this:

    echo form_dropdown('category', array('0' => 'Choose a category...')  + $categories, '0');

This gives me a dropdown with all my options from the variable $categories, with "Choose a category..." (value 0) at top. Now how to I make the first one disabled? I know how to make it select a specific one, which I've set it to do here.

Can anyone help me? Thanks

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beholder Avatar asked Jul 23 '11 01:07


1 Answers

I know this is an old post, but in the current version of CI, I can do a little (sql-injection-like) trick by appending " disabled="disabled to the keys of the option I would like to disable.

$categories['0'] = '(Select Category)';
$categories['1'] = 'Category 1';
$categories['2" disabled="disabled'] = 'Restricted Category';
$categories['3'] = 'Category 3';

echo form_dropdown('category', $categories, '0');

I am not sure if this is a bug of CI's form_helper, since it does not do any escaping or sanitizing function for the dropdown key/values. For the mean time, to be safe, just make sure your keys and values wont be coming from any user-based input.

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bubjavier Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 19:10
