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Code=53 "Simulator verification failed."

Since I updated to XCode 6.2, when I try to run

xcodebuild -project Demo.xcworkspace -scheme Demo clean build test

I'm always getting:

iPhoneSimulator: SimVerifier returned: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=53 
"Simulator verification failed." UserInfo=0x7f82b9e091a0 
    NSLocalizedFailureReason=A connection to the simulator verification service could
    not be established., 

    NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Ensure that Xcode.app is installed on a volume with 
    ownership enabled., 

    NSLocalizedDescription=Simulator verification failed.

Has anyone encountered this?


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marius bardan Avatar asked Apr 02 '15 10:04

marius bardan

3 Answers

After trying both running the simulator (as suggested by Jeremy Huddleston Sequoia) and removing the unavailable simulators (as suggested by pwc) I still was getting no love.

Jeremy suggested it was a permissions issue with dyld_sim. So I went looking for dyld_sim files. I found two, one in /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/iOS 8.1.simruntime ... the other inside /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform ...

The 8.1 version under /Library/Developer was from October last year. Facing a reinstall I decided to remove the /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator directory (which only contained a profile for the 8.1 simulator) and see what happened.

All good. Carthage now build correctly for me.

My assumption is that Xcode build was getting a little lost and picking up the old one. SO nothing to do with permissions or unavailable simulators in my case.

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Kevin Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 07:11


Rather than simply delete the /Library/Developer directory, I updated the permissions on all instances of dyld_sim to match those that Jeremy from Apple mentions in this post. First, find all instances of this on your machine with the following command:

sudo find / -name dyld_sim

Then, check the permissions for each one:

ls -l "<file location\file name>"

If you don't see:

-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  

Then you will need to modify the permissions to match properly. In my case, the group ownership was wrong and listed as admin instead of wheel. Using

sudo chown :wheel "<file location\file name>"

to change the group ownership on each of the incorrect instances corrected the issue. If the issue is the flags and not ownership you will need to use chmod instead.

like image 121
Michael McGuire Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 05:11

Michael McGuire

I was running into the same issue when trying to run carthage to build a 3rd-party library.

The error I was getting was:

2015-04-22 02:16:17.468 xcodebuild[944:9962] [MT] iPhoneSimulator: SimVerifier returned: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=53 "Simulator verification failed." UserInfo=0x7ffb237cf260 {NSLocalizedFailureReason=A connection to the simulator verification service could not be established., NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Ensure that Xcode.app is installed on a volume with ownership enabled., NSLocalizedDescription=Simulator verification failed.}

I was reading a thread on the Apple Developer Forum and decided to check the simulators I had installed via:

xcrun simctl list

Doing so found a lot of simulators that were unavailable:

-- Unavailable: com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.iOS-8-0 --
    iPhone 4s (E4B99ABA-C455-4579-AFB6-9FFE4D7B2D9B) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found)
    iPhone 5 (F4C1E6D1-102A-4E49-B8CB-6274258C8E55) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found)
    iPhone 5s (33C6AA80-EA85-41E8-928D-38598B87BBCB) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found)
    iPhone 6 Plus (293C225D-02C8-4458-BAEE-0F5ED76E308E) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found)
    iPhone 6 (C93CCB55-1DFB-4452-876D-663A8E85CBB8) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found)
    iPad 2 (DFC56B19-82F4-4587-95F5-E53154681689) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found)
    iPad Retina (AC5F3C69-9554-4A0A-84A7-81C586E7F0EC) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found)
    iPad Air (BD6C1EEB-9BCE-47BF-AC80-BD1AEFC61E06) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found)
    Resizable iPhone (37FBC485-B844-42DE-B77D-02995176E057) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found)
    Resizable iPad (B45EC16E-DB4D-4B0E-B969-90F468B673DA) (Shutdown) (unavailable, runtime profile not found)

I deleted each of the unavailable simulators via:

xcrun simctl delete [UUID]

(I copied that output from above and pasted into a text editor, deleted everything but the UUIDs, and prefixed each line with xcrun simctl delete.)

After doing that, I was able to run carthage without error.

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pwc Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 05:11
