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Code for identifying programming language in a text file [closed]

i'm supposed to write code which when given a text file (source code) as input will output which programming language is it. This is the most basic definition of the problem. More constraints follow:

  • I must write this in C++.
  • A wide variety of languages should be recognized - html, php, perl, ruby, C, C++, Java, C#...
  • Amount of false positives (wrong recognition) should be low - better to output "unknown" than a wrong result. (it will be in the list of probabilities for example as unknown: 100%, see below)
  • The output should be a list of probabilities for each language the code knows, so if it knows C, Java and Perl, the output should be for example: C: 70%, Java: 50%, Perl: 30% (note there is no need to have the probabilities sum up to 100%)
  • It should have a good ratio of accuracy/speed (speed is a bit more favored)

It would be very nice if the code could be written in a way that adding new languages for recognition will be fairly easy and involve just adding "settings/data" for that particular language. I can use anything available - a heuristic, a neural network, black magic. Anything. I'am even allowed to use existing solutions, but: the solution must be free, opensource and allow commercial usage. It must come in form of easily integrable source code or as a static library - no DLL. However i prefer writing my own code or just using fragments of another solution, i'm fed up with integrating code of others. Last note: maybe some of you will suggest FANN (fast artificial neural network library) - this is the only thing i cannot use, since this is the thing we use ALREADY and we want to replace that.

Now the question is: how would you handle such a task, what would you do? Any suggestions how to implement this or what to use?

EDIT: based on the comments and answers i must emphasize some things i forgot: speed is very crucial, since this will get thousands of files and is supposed to answer fast, so looking at a thousand files should produce answers for all of them in a few seconds at most (the size of files will be small of course, a few kB each one). So trying to compile each one is out of question. The thing is, that i really want probabilities for each language - so i rather want to know that the file is likely to be C or C++ but that the chance it is a bash script is very low. Due to code obfuscation, comments etc. i think that looking for a 100% accurate code is a bad idea and in fact is not the goal of this.

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PeterK Avatar asked Aug 30 '10 12:08


3 Answers

You have a problem of document classification. I suggest you read about naive bayes classifiers and support vector machines. In the articles there are links to libraries which implement these algorithms and many of them have C++ interfaces.

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Daniel Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 22:10


One simple solution I could think of is that you could just identify the keywords used in different languages. Each identified word would have score +1. Then calculate ratio = identified_words / total_words. The language that gets most score is the winner. Off course there are problems like usage of comments e.t.c. But I think that is a very simple solution that should work in most cases.

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Leonid Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 21:10


If you know that the source files will conform to standards, file extensions are unique to just about every language. I assume that you've already considered this and ruled it out based on some other information.

If you can't use file extensions, the best way would be to find the things between languages that are most different and use those to determine filetype. For example, for loop statement syntax won't vary much between languages, but package include statements should. If you have a file including java.util.*, then you know it's a java file.

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Dave McClelland Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 22:10

Dave McClelland