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CocoaPods - Red Frameworks?

So I've been digging around all night trying to figure out how to fix these red frameworks, I'm going to use this as another resort!

Pods.framework is red, Foundation.framework is red. I followed all the instructions and it seems to have imported all correctly except for this.

I really just want to figure out how to fix these red frameworks. Even though the app still runs, I'm scared for the future if it crashes.

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Justin R. Avatar asked Mar 17 '23 01:03

Justin R.

2 Answers

Check step by step instruction guide of how to install pods in system and project .

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navroz Avatar answered Mar 27 '23 16:03


Please refer to this Tutorial Its explain step by implementation of the cocoa pods.


Thanks Sandeep

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Sandeep Kumar Avatar answered Mar 27 '23 16:03

Sandeep Kumar